VSS wire for Navigation | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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VSS wire for Navigation

February 23, 2001
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'97 XLT
I searched and found a few thread's but I'm not 100% sure. Can someone tell me were the easiest place to tap into the VSS wire is? Also if you have any pictures that would be great. It's for a 97 AWD.
I installed an Alpine Navigation which works, but now I need to install the VSS wire. My dealer said he was "waiting" for Alpine.
From my searching I figure it's a grey/black wire located either on the passenger side kick panel or by the foor brake on the driver side.
Any help would be appreciated.

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what's the vss wire?

Vehicle speed sensor, aka vehicle pulse. It sends pulses to equipment with the vehicles speed info.

Finally finished

Just to finish off this thread, I was able to get to the vss wire, which is grey and black, at the back of the instrument cluster. I had to change some blown bulbs, so I decided to make the connection also. There's a write-up on how to take off the instrument cluster for installing indiglo gauges if anyone needs to know.

Hope this info helps someone in the future.
