Want your group run "stickied"?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Want your group run "stickied"??


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST
Just send me a PM and I'll stick your thread to the top:chug:

I can also set up a site wide notice if you're looking for a bigger crowd.

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Good idea Rick! Hopefully this will help regional events in different areas :thumbsup:

Would there be a way to get the areas sectioned off. For instance I posted a superstition meet and everyone in arizona hit me up not looking that I live in california, or not knowing there is a superstition ca. Sometimes I get excited when I see that people post in the meets section then find out it is in New Jersy. I'm on another forum where everything is so cal. That forum has more people that post on the regular, but it is nice to say something and the people looking know where that is, or atleast know you are talking about so cal. From what I found there isn't very many explorers in so cal that are on here. I would love to go out with some explorers/rangers and I'm not a huge fan of truckhaven, which is most of the meets.

Just a suggestion.

We had several different forums before, but there are a lot of people who are willing to travel out of state and they end up missing out. Seems like it would be easy to just add CA to the title of the thread if you think there may be confusion.

Cool, that makes sense. I don't post threads normally, they get deleted half the time, the other half no one replies. Thanks for the repsonse, I do appreciate it.

Bumpity bump...
