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water for gas

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I started to build my own generator this fall and just never finished it and then winter came.....Water freezes. So, that's on hold. If you go to this thread, YOu'll find some information. http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=188290
The guy hasn't responded in quite a while so I don't know how he's doing. Or if he got "silenced" by the Government. :confused: J/K. I'm sure he's just busy. Good luck.

If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck and quacks like a duck....

No matter how 'official' the system looks, I find it hard to believe it works. If it was really that simple, wouldn't the OEMs already be using it?

They say that if we were to start using it the economy would crash because of our depenedence on Oil. (I don't think so, but that's what they say)

It's not BS, I've seen them work. Mine works. I just haven't gotten my system to moniter temp/Preasure yet. That makes me not want to hook it up to the manifold just yet. Not to mention That water freezes and it's winter right now. So....That's been alittle Hinderance. Once I get it to work I'll post up some Data. Unfortuneatlly I have to wait for it to get warm. Looks like I'll get my lights first.....oh Darn....:D

Edit: I didn't look at the actual website to thourghly, so I'm not saying this product isn't BS. But By the picture of thier Generator, It won't do much. Just to give you and idea, Mine has about 9 Coils. 5 Neg/4 Pos. It's fun to at least make the bubbles explode though. The idea isn't BS, this site may be. There are alot of them taht are charging a ton for something that can be made for about 50 bucks.

Doesn't it rely on certain frequencies to be sent through the plates to fracture the distilled H2O through electrolysis with an electrolyte (KOH)? I hear the frequencies only draw about 1 Amp??? that would be covered by an alternator (less energy drawn than the radio)

my experience involved cutting apart an old AC/DC adapter with 4.6 volts, and connecting it to a nail in an inverted bottle of tap water with salt.

I threw the bottle into my bonfire after 1 hour of watching it bubble. the explosion was awesome, but the smell was horrible!

I now have 3 cells and a bubbler under my hood as we speak! (er blog)

I have been experimenting with this concept for about 4000 miles now.

My setup includes 3 seperate hho cells (Jars) and a bubbler. I have 2 circuits each operating off a 30 amp circuit breaker and relay. One circuit is direct to a single cell and the 2nd circuit feeds a pair of cells in series. Each cell has its own 12v dc fan and I've even installed a forced air cooling system.

I have a day/night video camera setup under the hood to monitor the system on my 7" touchscreen.

2 cells are fed through a bubbler and then into the vacuum plenum and the 3rd cell feeds directly into the intake.

The system is now operational only when the car is running (killed battery once by leaving the circuit on by accident). The entire circuit switches on when power is supplied to the fuel pump. I installed a failsafe circuit by running a 12v dc + jumper to the switched output of the fuel pump relay to the pair of 30 amp relays feeding the hho system.

I even have a fan to cool the relays and fuses. I also have a total of 3 video camera installed in/on the truck. Front cam (Behind grill), Rear cam (attached off the 3rd brake light), and a cam under the hood to monitor the hho system (and watch the bubbles). :)

Fail Safe switched circuit currently runs:

2 30 amp relays with circuit breakers
3 hho cells
4 12v dc fans
3 video cams
Back up sensor system
12 volt distribution rail for interior accessories

The system also includes a temp gauge and amp meter. Uses 30-50 amps.

I am still actively experimenting with cell and plate designs making changes on a daily basis. I just replaced my O2 sensors after 248K miles yesterday so the true tests start today.

No exposions yet! :fire:

mawrazen, have you been able to note any improvment in fuel economy?


I just got 19.5 MPG in city driving with some stop and go traffic and some Atlanta interstate miles 75+ MPH. (ppl in Atlanta drive real fast) I haven't been on an extended road trip yet to test Hwy only mileage.

I do think it helps. I limped into a gas station last week and it took 20 gallons! I'd say I was out of gas, but somehow made it to the station. (No gas gauge) I never had it take 20 gallons to fill her up ever before.

I'll keep Y'all posted as to my results.

Man, I wish I was an engineer. This stuff is so intriguing. I'd love to be able to understand how it worked or give it a shot myself. I didn't even know stuff like this was possible.

we are actually trying to do something like this in my chemistry department. Since i am a chem major and want to go into chemical engineering i offered my car for research. we'll see if something interesting happens:D

What's the deal with timing and bypassing the emissions? From my understanding, if you set a system up that administers HHO on demand into your intake while also running on gasoline, your computer actually tries to compensate for the "lean" condition and ends up sending more gas to the cylinders, therefore defeating the purpose of being more efficient..
Also, Hydrogen and oxygen ignite instantly - wouldn't that be sending your pistons down before TDC?

Supposedly...If you add rubbing alcohol to the water, it wont freeze as fast. or so i've heard. but that'd prolly make the system more hazardous.




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i have one of these hydrogen generators that i hooked up to my 2.0 4cyl mitsubishi.. and i ran some tests. I started the car and let it warm up then i pulled the fuel pump fuse... the car ran for about 3 seconds. then i energised the hydrogen generator and fired up the car and pulled the fuse... it ran for over 20 seconds. somthing is telling me that this works... if only there was room under the hood on my x
