Water Treatment System | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Water Treatment System

Kelley and I just bought out first home. The area (Rutherford County TN) does not have the best water. Leaves a lot of residue on showers and dishes. It also makes your skin hard and we use a lot of lotion now. We know it has issues.

We have a company quote us a system but man it was just expensive. I also did not like the sales pitch one bit. I loved the results and water. They brought out a smaller version and used our water to filter. The difference was amazing. However (this is the biggest however I have ever stated), the system cost is about $5,500 for the entire house to be treated and installed.

Do I have any alternatives? I can install a system like this with confidence and that is what is keeping me from saying come on. We have scheduled a date for possible installation but just cant feel good about this.

In need of advise from my long time home owner friends! :bounce:


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Do you have any info on exactly what he was trying to sell you?

We discussed it a bit on FB, but I couldn't tell if he was selling a water softener system, a purification system, or both.

We got a whole house filtration system from this place;

It was nearly $3000 when it was all installed. Has no maintenance for ten years. One tank. Works well.

Brian, do you have a water softener in the system? Or don't you need it there?

Brian, do you have a water softener in the system? Or don't you need it there?

The system softens the water by removing 80% of the calcium. We have very hard water here, and its full of crap mandated by the state, like fluoride. The system removes all that stuff so all we get is plain old clean water.

The system softens the water by removing 80% of the calcium. We have very hard water here, and its full of crap mandated by the state, like fluoride. The system removes all that stuff so all we get is plain old clean water.

This is what I really need but am not going to put that kind of money into the house yet. We have only owned the home two months. We have the same problems you are having.

The brand system we looked into was a RainSoft system.

However I think I can put the system together without buying it from a distributor. I have found most of the parts and others who did it on their own for about 1500.

We have a family member who has her masters in Water and she would be afraid that it would bring the PH up to high for our copper pipes.

We have a family member who has her masters in Water and she would be afraid that it would bring the PH up to high for our copper pipes.

Filtering out Calcium makes the PH go up? All this is new but need to learn.
Our water is terrible, tastes just o.k. but always use the Brita or fridge for drinking anyway. What peaves me is the break down of our valves and who knows what else. Been in the home shy of 10 years. On my 2nd toilet valve,
3rd bath faucet valve and 2nd dishwasher.
Wash car w/o drying off. Spot city!

All ears! :)

Put a softner in. Not to bad to do but remember that you don't want soft water at any hose faucet for watering plants/grass it can kill it. Never had anyone tell me before that a softner will bring ph up so high to destroy copper pipes. R.O. System at kitchen sink advised for drinking water. Also not to bad to do. There are also a few other things that can be done like whole house filters and iron curtin system but would not do unless needed. By the way I am a plumber in Wisconsin.
