Weid Starting Problem | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Weid Starting Problem


July 9, 2002
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'92 Eddie Bauer
Hello everyone!

I have a 92 EB, and it has begun having a weird starting problem. I posted once before on this, but I thought I would try it again... it is getting worse. Here are the symptoms...

Turn the key, power comes on, here the fuel pump, start to turn it over... then click... lights are dim... wait with the key on... power comes back, solenoid clicks and fuel pump goes, try again... it starts.

That is what it is doing in a nut shell... there have been slight variations, like you turn the key on and the lights and everything are dim... wait then you have power and it starts normal. The waiting is getting longer, and it will be just a matter of time before it stops starting.

Any help/thoughts would be appreciated.



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sound a lot like you have either, a bad starter, a bad starter solenoid, a bad battery, or your wires are corroded internally/corrosion on the terminals/battery posts

To me it sounds like either bad wires/corrosion, a ground in the starting circuit causing a really bad current draw, or a bad starter. I think the soleniods sound fine.

good point alec.. im a moron... if its clicking, it must be working.... im leaning more towards corrosion though

While recently tinkering with the batteries on my two trucks, I "created" the same problem on my BII by not tightening the battery cable terminals. I would turn the key on and everything looked good, turn the key to start and everything went dark. I would then go out and tinker with the cables and everything would come on again. Since I've tightened the terminals I haven't had a problem. My suggestion would be to check you battery cables and connections and make sure they are good.

Thanks for all the replies! At least I was headed in the right direction. I thought I should buy a new battery, and I did notice that the cables looked a little corroded. I am not sure how old the battery is, we have had the truck for about 2 years now and it has 178k on it now. I hope it is something simple like the battery, it should be a good spot to start.

I wanted to rule out the solenoid, it did not act like a solenoid going out... but you never know. Corrosion is a definate possibility... Since I am in Minnesota.



Well. I cleaned the battery cable connections to the battery last night... So far, I have had 4 good starts... No problems! I hope that was it!

i am having the same problem but mine only happens when it really hot like 90 or above.
