Weirdest A/C question... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Weirdest A/C question...


Active Member
September 11, 2005
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City, State
Port St. Lucie, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 Explorer Eddie Bauer
I just purchased a 1991 Eddie Bauer Explorer 2WD atuo. Everything seems to wrok except the A/C. I have worked on past A/C systems so I check the usual..

Blower motor: OK
Controls: OK
Freon in system: Low

So I get out my can of R134 (because there is an R134 sticker on the compressor) and proceed to put some in. It won't take a single ounce so I do some more checking.

This is when I notice there are no wires going into the comp. I'm looking around for a good half an hour and I can't find any loose plugs!!

Can someone tell me where I chould be looking for a lead. It is hotter than sin in FL and I have leather.

Thanks in advance.

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Are there lines going to the compressor? Or are you talking about the wire harness electric plug? If it's just the plug look around that area it should be around there somewhere.

It's the electric plug I can't find. I looked...and looked...and looked...nothing!

Can someone tell me where the wire originates from under the hood?

example: Look at the harness just left of the master cylinder. There are three cables coming off it. The one you want is grey.

the wires do not go to the compressor, they go to the clutch on the front of the compressor. The connector should be on top. Should be BIG AND OBVIOUS.

Also I am also going to assume your system was using 134 connectors on the fittings for the refrigerant. While reasonable to assume 134 from what you saw on the compressor, that is not a dead bang assurance. That sticker only means the replacement compressor came with PAG oil in it.

There is a thread in the Useful Threads on AC... it's pretty long and comprehensive, with pictures. Might be helpful for you.

If you need a pic of the connector and wires let me know. I can post one for you.

A picture would be great. If need be I will post up pics of all angles of the engine bay.

I know about the clutch and that is what prompted me to look for the wires. The socket on the comp housing is grey with two blades. I don't know anything about Fords as this is my first. Any and all help is greatly appreciated. does have the 134 fittings for the fill and check ports.

Here is the connector on the AC clutch


NOTICE THE WIRE COLORS!!! because, we will follow them....

they disappear out of sight and come up here...


and one of em comes up here to the low pressure cutout switch


After doing some more hunting I found the plug.....plugged it in and then quickly realized why they unplugged it. The stupid compressor kicks on every few seconds but only stays on for a matter what the climate controls are set at. I tried to put some freon into it while it was runing and it wouldn't take any. I even released all the hot air (really) that was in the system and tried to fill it.....nothing.

Sounds like a nightmare....and the truck was cheap so I am going to say...FARK IT.

I might get ghetto and install my 1,500 watt power inverter in the truck and install a very small window A/C unit in it. Replace that worthless comp with a high output alternator then run a phonix gold dual battery isolator with dual yellow tops. That should do the trick...

Yes....Yes I will.

I'd suggest you read the AC thread and educate yourself on AC issues with the FORD orifice valve system. The rapid cycle is exactly what I'd suspect given your charge state. Nothing sound wrong to me. AC is not hard to understand, but it's not as simple as you might think. That thread and it's link are a good start for you. I recommend it.

I thank you guys for your advice but I think I will install a window A/C unit for sheeots ans giggles.

Which do you think would be colder??? A 5000BTU window unit or the stock ford A/C??

This guy did it:

so can I.....

Thanks again guys.

remind me never again to put myself out for anyone under 10 posts.

I appreciate the help...believe me I do. I just don't like working under the hood if I don't have to.

< I even released all the hot air (really) that was in the system and tried to fill it.....nothing. >

If you think that was a logical step in AC repair, you really need to have a professional look at it because you don't have a clue about AC/refrigeration ... if you had air in the system it's no wonder it doesn't work ....

So when you install a window shaker where to you plan on cutting the hole for the condensor coil, through the side of the truck since you don't have an open bed? Or do you just plan on letting that hot condensor air blow around inside the vehicle?

A friend of mine is in the home A/C business and with his help we will be building an enclosure for ther A/C unit that will be ported to the exterior by a hole in the floor.

evacute the system to down to 500 microns and fill to spec and tell us what happens

Your window AC unit while cool it sounds would be such a waste of time & $$. It would be cheaper to just fix your Explorer's AC. Your in FL, there are chain stores that will check your AC system for free or only a few dollars. Tire Kingdom comes to mind. They will leak test it. If it holds air, you just need a charge.

You'll need three ports, one for intake air to the condensor, one for exhaust and one to allow the condensate to drain ....

Since you have a friend in the residential A/C why not have him pump the system down and just weigh in a charge? Unless he;s a hack he should have a vacuum pump and an accurate scale or weighing device

Cost - 2 lbs of r-134a and an hour of time (45 minutes on pump, 15 to charge)

I asked him if he could help me but his boss won't let him take the truck or the tools home. He has a ton of that fiberglass board stuff in his garage and some duct hose.

The window unit recirculates inside air so I don't need a fresh air duct but I planned on the vent for the exhaust and the condensation. The unit has a bung so a hose can be used.

I already have the inverter, cable, batteries, isolator and A/C unit.....and time.

Well post pics when your done. I'd love to see what a home AC unit working in a Explorer looks like.

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Better yet.. I will drive it down to "the mouth of the rat" and you can see it yourself.

Then I will post pics so everyone else can see it too
