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what about bridgestone dueller a/t

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My experience was with a set of the old design Dueller AT, there is a new design for it now.

I couldn't wait to get rid of my old Dueller ATs. The ride was ok, dry and off-road traction was ok, in the rain it hydroplaned at speed of 60 MPH+, this was when the tires were less than one year old, very scary.

I run the new dueller AT's on my explorer and nissan 4x4. I have had the old dueller's in the past. These new tires are awesome. They don't roll. The ride is quiet and traction is superb. I live in rural Tn. I was concerned with wet traction and snow. We have a lot of gravel roads. Wet traction is the best I have experienced. We only had 1 6 inch snow last year. Never put it in 4wd. Traction was super in 2wd. I will run these again. They even have a 50,000 mile warranty. I have 25,000 on them now. Going strong. Explorers are trucks and should run LT series tires and not P series. The LT series have an extra plywall.

Is the ride more harsh than your p-metrics?I'm also considering these tires. Do they have the same sidewall tread and square shoulder as the BFG AT KO? Is the 265/75-15 a mistake since it is P tire? I thought maybe the ride would be better than the LT Bstone or BFG.
Also glad to here about the gravel roads 'cause most people probably don't have that experience.

[Edited by 4x4 on 08-31-2000 at 10:26 PM]

Well I had a set of P255/70R16 Wilderness A/Ts on my truck when it was stock... I went through lots of replacements and finally got pissed enough when they wouldnt pass me on inspection on the tires that were only 6 months old. I went accross the street to NTB and looked at the BFG A/T KOs .. I ran home and got my 15" rims and bought the BFGs.. I took the 16" rims (tires and all) and threw them in the back of my shed (hoping to sell them somehow).. Well when the recall went down I took all my paperwork to the Firestone Dealer and laid it all out for them..Since the 16" are not on the recall list (yet) I told them that I would wage much **** if they didn't give me replacement tires anyway since I been through phantom flats.. dry rot (that I now know is sidewall breakdown) and treadwear problems,bounding, a general dragging feeling and fishtailing on everything but dry even pavement (this is supposed to be All terrain??)...I was pissed that they blamed all this on me, my truck, my driving..everything but the ****ty tires..I got a set of used 15" rims. They wanted to replace them with Bridgestone Dueler A/T Lt but I was told they would be backordered "and frankly lady, you aren't a priority because you have the BFGs on your truck now" I told them no... order me the Bridgestone Dueler M/Ts and I will see them in two days to have them mounted on the rims..I told them what I wanted...looking at all my reciepts for replacement tires I paid about $1100 for two sets of tires and 2 replacement tires (phantom flats-- no holes or nails found)I been lied to enough... but ya know what? I think I really like these Bridgestones M/Ts they are just about as noisey as my BFG A/T KOs. But to tell you the truth..I wouldn't have even considered the Bridgestone if it had not been for the recall... I just don't trust Firestone anymore


My wife thinks the ride of the LT235's is harsher than the p-metrics but I don't agree. What I believe to be the case is the LT-series don't allow the sidewalls to roll, so in hard cornering the ride is more stiff. This is a trade-off for the decrease in body roll. The coolest thing about the Bridgestone Dueller AT's is they have a 30 day no question asked money back guarentee. The guy that put them on said "don't like them...bring them back", I like them alot. I run LT235/75/15 on my Explorer and 30x9.50/15 on my Nissan 4x4. I like the flotations better and will replace the LT235's with these when they are worn out. They do have a squared shoulder and sidewall lugs much like the BFG AT/KO's.

[Edited by Mike W on 09-01-2000 at 06:13 AM]

I have had two sets of Bridgestone Dueller's. The first came on a 4x4 toyota that I bought. They were 32x11.5 MT's. Those got low on tread after at least 55,000 miles, so I got 32x11.5 AT's. Much quieter than the MT's. The AT's were better on ice and snow. I did a 360 in the snow on a highway when the MT's were on. I was happy with the AT's in the rain. Both sets wore well.

Now I am looking to get 31x10.5 tires for my explorer. I keep bouncing between the duellers and BFG KO's. I am positive that either tire is good on and off road, but I have read so much about the BFG's here. I kinda like the look of the duellers more though. Whatever I get, I will put the black sidewall out. I hate seeing the raised white letters on tires.
