What are these connectors? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What are these connectors?


Well-Known Member
March 9, 2008
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Hayden, ID
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92 Explorer Sport
I have two electrical connectors under the hood on my driver's side and I don't know what they are. One is capped, but the other is not... which disturbs me...
The one that isn't capped has a dark green wire with a fat black stripe, and a light blue wire with a thin black stripe.


The other is clipped to the body and capped, It has a red wire with a fat pink stripe, and a green wire that I cannot see a stripe on...


Sorry the images are so big... hopefully that's not a big deal

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I have two electrical connectors under the hood on my driver's side and I don't know what they are. One is capped, but the other is not... which disturbs me...
The one that isn't capped has a dark green wire with a fat black stripe, and a light blue wire with a thin black stripe.


The other is clipped to the body and capped, It has a red wire with a fat pink stripe, and a green wire that I cannot see a stripe on...


Sorry the images are so big... hopefully that's not a big deal

Is anything not working, or any indication of previous owners tampering with the wiring?

Otherwise I wouldn't sweat it. They may be for optional equipment.

I figured they were probably for optional equipment. It has been a while since I have had to get dirty with my explorer. so I haven't really spent much time with the hood up lately. I just noticed that there were no caps on the connectors, and I thought that was odd. Anybody have A wiring diagram so I can find out what sort of optional equipment they were for?

Quick at the Haynes book doesn't show any wiring those colours. The images that are too big aren't there any more? Can you repost them?

Try these - the pics are so large they don't seem to show up. I took a screen grab of them by extracting the direct link.


  • ScreenHunter_25 May. 21 17.53.jpg
    ScreenHunter_25 May. 21 17.53.jpg
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  • ScreenHunter_26 May. 21 17.53.jpg
    ScreenHunter_26 May. 21 17.53.jpg
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