What carb should i get for a 72 350 vette | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What carb should i get for a 72 350 vette


Explorer Addict
July 10, 2003
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City, State
Redding CT
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 Explorer XLT SOHC 4x4
after driving the vette both my friend and i agreed that his vette was not putting out it's potential

compression is still good the thing is the carb looks as if it was rebuilt more times than i can count.

what brand and cfm do you guys reccomend

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Depends upon what you want to use it for, what cam it has, and what exhaust it has. If it's a stock motor and exhaust, it ought to do pretty well with a 650CFM carb. If it's tweaked a little, go with a 750. Holley or Edlebrock both make decent carbs. If you're looking for more power, I'd shy away from vacuum secondaries.

Holley all the way. if he's got the cash, the Street Avenger would be really nice. basically bolt it on an go.

really 750 i thought that engine only made 200hp stock

Originally posted by dman726749
cant go wrong with a holley 750cfm

That's what my buddy has on his '85 chevy pickup w/350. It performs really good.

Originally posted by Billy177
really 750 i thought that engine only made 200hp stock
if its stock it should be around 260-270hp at the crank.
