What do you keep your displays on? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What do you keep your displays on?

In case you don't know...you don't have to downshift to manual to use the paddles! Very cool accomodation I think. While I'm here, please excuse an off subject question...I was given an S Cobra radar detector for Christmas...where's the best installation location? The windshield or the dash board??? g

Put your Cobra tucked up nicely above rear view mirror.

Easier cable routing through headliner, down A pillar to power source.

Putting on the dash makes it too visible for theft, but up behind the rear view makes it difficult to even see it from outside.

Secure it well so in an impact it doesn't become a projectile of death.

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steering wheel controls

While driving, I play with the displays and steer with my left hand and I play with 5/8ths with my right...I think that makes me either bi-lingual or ambidexterous.

While driving, I play with the displays and steer with my left hand and I play with 5/8ths with my right...I think that makes me either bi-lingual or ambidexterous.
....or a distracted driver.:eek:



5/8th is the name/handle of my better half....I'm 3/8ths...gotcha!

Put your Cobra tucked up nicely above rear view mirror.

Easier cable routing through headliner, down A pillar to power source.

Putting on the dash makes it too visible for theft, but up behind the rear view makes it difficult to even see it from outside.

Secure it well so in an impact it doesn't become a projectile of death.

Thanks for the installation tip Sgt1411. However, after reading blogs on radar detectors, I have found that we were gifted the bottom of the barrel in radar detectors. Valentine seems to be the cats' meow when it comes to detectors. Should we start a new thread on this? Any interest?

Thanks for the installation tip Sgt1411. However, after reading blogs on radar detectors, I have found that we were gifted the bottom of the barrel in radar detectors. Valentine seems to be the cats' meow when it comes to detectors. Should we start a new thread on this? Any interest?
No need to start a new thread. There are already threads on radar detectors in both the 'Discussion' and 'Modified' forums.

