what do you think about these pedals? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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what do you think about these pedals?

1forsnow you wouldn't happen to have another set would you or know any available :D .......... I called Saleen so many times about the pedals and was told not available, not made and I gave up. It's funny that you say that cause I called Saleen last week and the parts guy told me they NEVER made auto pedals. Not surprised there customer service suck's @ss. I had the same problem w/the carbon fiber dash kit.

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i did at one point have another set of pedals but i sold them to a guy that had a xp8 without pedals also. there is a guy on ebay whose user name is sd-stallion and he has had many sets of pedals but they are bronze in color. you might want to email him and see if he has some sets left over. what is wrong with your carbon fiber dash kit? i know what you mean about their service dept. it is absolutely horrible. i have silver painted magnesium rims on my saleen and need to get one rim touched up. i have contacted saleen, speedline and all there dealers and nobody could tell me the color of the rim!

Tommy: the SRP pedals are cnc machined out of aluminum, so what you see is the raw finish. No chrome, or plating etc. I think they are around $55 a set. Oh, yeah, they require drilling and screws to install.

hey, saleen guys. can you send me some pics at wils0559@umn.edu i'm considering the white saleen 18 by 9/ 18 by 10 combination. and i'd love to see more pics

1forsnow the problem w/my dash kit is that I don't have one. My truck was made before they had them available. I called Saleen several times over a 2 year period and was told next week everytime. I gave up and waited a month or so and tried again but this time they said they where sold out and where not going to make them anymore. I have tried to find an after market company that had a kit but none had something that matched the carbon fiber on the steering wheel (only carbon in truck is on steering wheel and mirrors). My truck didn't come w/ all the options since it was the 1st year and one of the 1st ones produced. I had to buy the composite hood separately and have then ship it to me. The 13in brake's where not available, they couldn't decide on the super charger, no dash kit and no recaro's(I am saving for those now, hope to have then at summers end).

I have white painted magnesium rims on my truck and they started to chip by the lug nuts. They wanted to ship me other rims but the where not the magnesium. I made them pay to have someone local to me to have them repainted and they did after weeks of fighting. This guy named Bruce I used to run into had 99-018 white and had the same problem w/the rims I did. They sent him new rims through the mail.

98X5.0 thanks for the info....I like the aluminum better and if I can't find Saleens I'll buy's those. I'll try for pics tomorrow its not raining.



check your mail-i left you a message

yeah one of my rims have a chip by the lug also. but mine was a human error. when i had new tires put on the truck, the stupid high school punk that worked at the tire shop used an impact gun to put the lug nut on. but the impact gun slipped off the nut and the socket spun around like a top wildly and chipped the paint. boy was i pissed, but realized it was an accident. little did i know at the time it would be this hard to match the paint.

1forsnow that suck's.......got it
