what does 1st gen mean | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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what does 1st gen mean

August 23, 2004
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Goose Creek SC
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 Explorer XLT 2 WD
Hi all.
New member here learning the X language... what does 1st generation mean?

and... how do I engage 4WD in the XLT?

I am thankful for this site. lotsa helpful 411.
nancy in daytona
'94 XLT 4WD 197k miles

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1st Generations were the ones built from 91-94 (the first X's). 2nd Gen is 95-01 and 3rd is 02-present. Does your XLT have automatic hubs and a button on the dash for 4x4 or is it manual 4WD?

Welcome to a great site.
1st Gen means that these are the 1st generation of EX's. 1991-1994. 2nd Gen is from 1995 - 2001? and 3rd is from 2002-200? Well you get the picture.
How to engage 4 WD? Well I have a first gen like you and I just press the button on the dash while stopped. Some say do it when slowly rolling. Do not engage 4WD after a few miles per hour and do not use it on bare asphalt roads. Use it only for dirt or snowy roads.

You can hit the 4hi button while driving. I do it at even higher speeds. To put it in 4Lo put it in neutral with your foot on the brake and hit the button.

Welcome to the site!!

Thanks for the welcome. I entered my vin into an autoparts database and it came back with a 4WD description. At a salvage yard the other day I asked where the 4WD button was. He came out and looked then looked under the driverside wheel and said it was 2WD. Sounds like someone's database is WRONG! I dont remember whose it was but feel pretty stupid here...
I'll be keeping my X for as long as she'll last so I'm here to learn as much as I can. Long gone are the days when your ingnition switch went out and you could put in a lawn mower switch or screwdriver to start it LOL!! My first car was a '66 Chevelle, 283 small block! I learned alot on her.
Thanks for your responses. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
in gratitude,

Do you have the 4wd buttons on your dash?

Welcome to the site ;)

Look under the front end....there will be a huge axle under there if it is 4wd. The 2wd's usually have hubcaps as well.

Hi Nancy,

Welcome!! Nice to see another female here. :D

No buttons on the dash. I see the LCD for low and high but never see em lit. It's 2WD... confirmed.
Thanks ya'll for the greetings. Nice to be here. I'm committed to getting my mileage higher. Seen it go from 420/tank to about 380 any more... I travel so its a big chuck o change. I'll tackle it vigorously when I'm on hiatus in Dec/Jan.

For future reference incase anyone look sup this thread.
Just look at the front wheels. If there is a solid center piece covering the lugnuts it's 2WD. If there is a round piece sticking out of the center of the cap, where the lugnuts are it's 4WD.
Here is a pic of what the 4x4 front wheels look like. Notice the thing sticking out from the center

Crappy pic but look at the front wheels. That is a 4x2

380 seems pretty good to me, I believe most first gen's are lucky to get more than 300 on a full tank. Could you elaborate on your driving conditions and whether this was city/highway.

bikerchick4God said:
No buttons on the dash. I see the LCD for low and high but never see em lit. It's 2WD... confirmed.

What do the rest of you think? Her truck has got the 4WD dash lights--and carfax (or some similar database) says it's 4WD--but yet it has no front axle/diff. Sounds like the front axle was removed at some point in its life. I assume they removed the transfer case as well...

You can still start your truck with a screwdriver :)

When I think of eary generation Explorer I think, Bronco II :)

Rhett said:
What do the rest of you think? Her truck has got the 4WD dash lights--and carfax (or some similar database) says it's 4WD--but yet it has no front axle/diff. Sounds like the front axle was removed at some point in its life. I assume they removed the transfer case as well...

I think she is talking about the lights down below, next to the turn signals. those light things are there on every dash piece, 2 or 4wd.
