What in the...? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What in the...?

Black Magic

Moderator Emeritus
Moderator Emeritus
February 10, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
St. Louis, MO
Year, Model & Trim Level
Explorer Street
Look at this POS that is on ebay. Does anyone think it would work? Looks like it would just cause less flow.

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That looks alot like the Tornado:)

basically an electric fan "forcing" air into your engine. B.S. if that fan only puts out 180cfm of air, then it would BARELY make 2lbs boost on a weedeater. at best it would slightly reduce power, as the engine would have to suck air through/around the fan. an electric fan can not blow enough air to create boost and still be small enough to fit in an engine compartment. buy this thing and loose 10hp.

the @aol.com e-mail gave it away to me

also this...Thank you for shopping at xtraspeed .com
that site is a coming soon...BS!

Another gimmick.

What it is is an Attwood bilge blower designed to clear a boat's bilge of gas fumes before starting. You can buy one at your local Boater's World, West Marine, etc. for $19.99

How about these two.

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