what is the easiest way to do a v-6 to v-8 conversion? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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what is the easiest way to do a v-6 to v-8 conversion?

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Easiest way?

Buy a wrecked 1996/1997 Explorer off craigslist/eBay

Park it next to your Explorer

Swap parts


Easiest way is to Search and see how others have done it ;)

Easiest way?

Buy a wrecked 1996/1997 Explorer off craigslist/eBay

Park it next to your Explorer

Swap parts


Man Ryan I was messin around on craigslist yesterdY and saw a whole 97 for sale for 800$!

Pissed me off! Thats less than I paid just for my drivetrain!

Didn't have any deals like that when I started.

Matt.....I paid $450 for mine!....


I don't want to hear it mister fancy pants firewall swap.

:biggthump :p

Goes to show if you are patient and keep reading the paper and checkin online you can find a heckofa deal.

Welcome to this forum! You could buy an entire drivetrain from a junkyard, and swap it in.

Is it as easy as that? How about the computer? When you go for emission? Wouldn't the computer show that you have a V6 but got a V8?

Buy an Explorer with a V8 :eek:

x factor, it is as easy as that if you have a gen II truck

for a Gen I truck there is alot to be planned

I did a 93 4.0L auto 4x4 to 97.5 5.0L auto 4x4 conversion in my 88 BII, check my signature

This question is asked on here about every week, try searching around!!

This swap has been done a number of different ways. and almost all of the ones shown here on ExplorerForums are even SMOG legal.

There are a few other sites to check out too...

www.therangerstation.com that is a Ford Ranger Community, very similar to us here @ EF, but they specialize in just the Ranger, which our Explorers are based on.

www.rangerpowersports.com very similar to therangerstation, same concept, but they are more geared towards the 'street' community, and the racing community.

