What size cooling fan? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What size cooling fan?


Active Member
September 3, 2008
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City, State
Kissimmee, Florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 XLT
I've got a 2000 explorer with the sohc engine.
The cooling fan is starting to crack pretty bad.
I was looking at those universal metal fans, they're pretty cheap and I wouldnt worry about them flying apart like the cracked plastic one.
What size fan does the sohc motor use?
Any help is greatly appreciated.

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not sure on the size, but make sure when you buy one that you get the correct rotation.

I hadnt thought of that, thanks much.
What is the correct rotation?

Those universal metal fans are cheap for a reason. You're getting what you pay for. They are noisy, tend to vibrate, come loose, etc. They are pure junk. Just get the proper replacement fan and you will be much happier. Or go to a high end electric set up...but if the price of a good fan is bothering you, then electric will choke you up big time.

The metal fan I was looking at was about $20 more than the regular replacement fan would be, I wasnt worried about the price , I just liked that it was metal and wont crack again.
I dont really have a need for an electric fan, I'll probably just replace the fan with the stock plastic one .
