What truck should I buy? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What truck should I buy?


Moderator Emeritus
September 11, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Toronto, Ontario
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 XL(imited)
Well, I'm back after being gone for about a year.

After the Exploder.. exploded, I went off and bought 2 cars. And of course, I want a truck again.
What should I get?

I'm currently looking at the following:
2001-2004ish Expeditions (4.6 and 5.4, heard the 5.4 is crap and heard it's amazing..)
2002+ Infiniti QX4 / Pathfinder (3.5L, I know it's a good drivetrain)
2003ish Yukon Denali (Heard good things about them)
2003ish Lincoln Navigator (Can be had for cheap now a days, I'm not scared of the air suspension)

Anything in the true truck class..

Any suggestions/ideas?
I know this forum will be a bit biased towards Fords, but that's a good thing. :D


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As for the 2003ish Yukon... one of my ex-cow-workers was looking for a Tahoe/Yukon/Suburban around or before that year. One of his friends/mechanics told him to look for a certain year or earlier, due to less wiring and computer controlled stuff (?)... if you want me to email him and ask him what the specifics were, PM me...

As for the 2003ish Yukon... one of my ex-cow-workers was looking for a Tahoe/Yukon/Suburban around or before that year. One of his friends/mechanics told him to look for a certain year or earlier, due to less wiring and computer controlled stuff (?)... if you want me to email him and ask him what the specifics were, PM me...
Thanks, I've been leaning more towards Expeditions. Have 2 I'm going to see.

Nissan likes to rust. Avoid the Infinity.

Nissan likes to rust. Avoid the Infinity.
I know, currently own a Maxima.. trying to get rid of it for that reason. If it wasn't for the rust it would be pristine/mint.

Well guys, ended up with an 05 Envoy XL. Got it for really cheap, needs a little work, but that's not a big deal. Details to follow.
