What year ST has this rack and pinion? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What year ST has this rack and pinion?


Elite In Memoriam
January 5, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Houston, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Sexy Sport Trac 4x4
Ok, I bought a new rack and pinion for my truck. Somehow my original one got cracked. :D

So yesterday I got the old one pulled out. And when getting ready to put the new one in, my friend and I noticed that two of the hoses that hook up to it do not connect the same way on this new rack. :(

So the new rack and pinion must be a newer design. Actually looks better than the old design. Easier to get the hoses on and off.

On my original one, the two hoses each threaded into the rack. On the new one, it seems they slide into place and there is a stud on the new rack for them to be tightened down with. See pictures below.

So my fellow Sporttrac owners, my question is, what years of Sporttrac's come with the newer designed rack and pinion? I need to know so that I can order those two hoses and get mine put back together.

So if you can do me a favor and get a look underneath your front ends and tell me if your model year of Sporttrac has a rack and pinion that matches the new one I bought.


Old rack and pinion...


New rack and pinion with hose mounting stud


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I just looked at my '04, and it matches the new rack that you have with the stud. Hope that helps some.


Ok, I have gotten the details it seems for my problem.

My friend Chris(TXPlates) was the person helping me this weekend. But he drove down to visit me using his 04 Mustang. He had left his 2002 Sporttrac 4x4 back at home. But, he got home this afternoon. And he took some pictures of his rack and pinion setup. His rack is like the new one I bought. So at least I know now that the hoses I need to get are for a 2002 to 2005 Sporttrac. Looks like the hose that goes to the power steering pump is the one with the bracket attached to it that holds the two hoses into the rack. See the highlighted bracket in the picture below.

