what years came with two-tone paint? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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what years came with two-tone paint?


Well-Known Member
December 4, 2002
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1994 XL
I mean the two different paint colors top and bottom, not the Eddie Bauer trim with the lower painted rockers. The only ones I've seen have been 1991-1992. Was it an option for '93-'94 as well? I've NEVER seen a 2nd or 3rd gen with original two-tone paint.

I like how many of the combos look. I'm contemplating getting a 1st gen X in a year or two, mainly as a good snow vehicle, plus I have plans for a 2.3 turbo motor swap.:D Call me weird if ya want.

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My wifes 91 has two tone, and I also have only seen 1st gens w/ two tone paint jobs.
BTW, I have an 86 grand wagoneer and an 81 wagoneer (both for sale, i like my ex too much now!)

the most common two tones that i have seen around here are black/silver, red/silver, and gold/darker gold (my wifes)
however, ford didn't seem to make up their mind as to which way they wanted to do it, so i have seen all of these combos with the darker on the bottom AND on the top (ie red lower silver upper, or silver lower and red upper)

red lower, silver upper? that would be so ugly!

I know for a fact it was on 91-94 Explorers, and now that I think of it, I don't remember seeing any 95+ like that...

The man to see about a 2.3 swap is the other SVO...:D

one of my 98's has 2 tone paint ( fender flares and lower half of doors) and the other dosnt..... maybe it was just an option
