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July 17, 2008
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2002 XLT
Here the Ride
alright i tinted my front windows 20% it doesn't look great my moon roof is open so it looks a lot lighter, but i'm confused on what to do next i want to put on some wheel spacers whats a good size ( i know to go with hub centric ones) looking for a little input


Here's are the issues
my roof rack is peeling i already pulled off the cross members but don't know if i should go ahead and paint them or if i should sand down the middle parts to make it look more like the 06-up versions

but i have heard alot about just taking the rack off not sure if that is the look im going for or not sure how difficult it is either.


the last of my issues i have a stain on my back window as you can see hah.. but i've taken a scotch brite pad and scrubbed it to nothing and i just can't seem to get it off.. just wondering if anyone has had this issue or knows how to get it off..? thanks


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I used Krylon Fusion on my roofrack... just cleaned it with an ammonia based solution (Windex) then sprayed it gloss black. Turned out very nice.A lot of taping needs to be done though to protect from overspray.

2" Wheel spacers look great... however considering our rear wheel bearing issues without spacers they may not be the most cost effective upgrade.

Why not take off the running board and go with 1.5" rear lift spacers and 3" front spacers off Roadbully. 250$ and you will have a much more aggressive looking vehicle.

As well... sanding down and painting your pillars on the sides will make a nice subtle difference.

One of my fire inspectors had the same problem with his roof rack, he used some of my Krylon Fusion and everything was fine, although the color didn't match perfectly.

I'm running 1" spacers, and they kick the wheels out so the edge of the tyre is equal with the lip of the guard - just right, IMO. However, with those wheels, you either need to drill a recess to allow the original wheel studs to fit into, or you need to cut down your original wheel studs (I did the first option). 1.5" spacers would fit no worries at all, and the tires may only protrude past the guards just a little bit.

As for the rest - have you tried a window cleaner for the stain?

And paint for the racks would seem to be the way to go (maybe even body colour?).

As far as painting...I say paint the trim black with Krylon fusion;)....if you're into the blacked out look.

I think gloss black trim would look sweet with the dark green body.

As far as the roof rack....I'm interested in seeing what the aluminum finish would look like on the Gen 3 X.

yeah i tried window cleaning solution to no avail.. haha oh well its just cosmetic and is small but it just bugs me..

as far as my rack my dad has a maroon 2007 eb that has the aluminum rack and it looks great just seeing if anyone else has tried it on a gen 3..

i also picked up a few cans of fusion paint and debating if i wanna paint my trim a nice black or leave it the scratchy beige but for now i got the door trim panels sanded and got 3 coats of fusion down wet sanded just waiting for a nice coat or two of clear i was sick of the pealing clear from the factory hopefully this works better..

one question has anyone ever painted the outside of there mirrors to a gloss finish? im not sure how it would look thou

one question has anyone ever painted the outside of there mirrors to a gloss finish? im not sure how it would look thou

Mine have stayed in great shape... so there is no need. A little bit of armor-all once a month and they look factory black.

no no my mirrors look fine no sun damage yet.. but what i wanna know if anyone has sanded them down and put a high gloss black on them or put the body color on them..

nice explorer u got there keep up the good work on it

For the stain on the rear glass try some CLR on it. Keep it off the paint as I don't know what it might do to it.

no no my mirrors look fine no sun damage yet.. but what i wanna know if anyone has sanded them down and put a high gloss black on them or put the body color on them..
Yep, not an explorer, but on a Ford. Just use plastic primer first, then paint as you would any other part.

It appears you also have peeling on the window trim... Krylon would be - as mention - the best place to start with respect to restoration. Then you might wanna think about what parts don't fit into to your liking... That runoff spot on the window, try vinegar also, but just with a Q-Tip on one spot. Not sure why it's not on the hinge also...

Then the look! What do you want the vehicle to look like? What do you want it to sound like (engine/motor and sound system). And being in WI, I'd make sure and black out the frame with Rustoleum (high heat where necessary), and get the vehicle prepped for Winter - then the mods! :)

Weren't guys using vinegar or something for those stains? I can't remember, but it was something like that.

Either vinegar or Bon Ami...

alright well i put some vinegar on it and scrubbed with a 900 grit figured it wouldn't do any damage came right off thanks for that nice tip

i also did the brown wire mod this friday before i went on a trip on got a couple more mpg then on previous trips plus the mod was very simple and straight forward i mounted my switch in my glove compartment (bought a five dollar light up switch and would have looked awful if i mounted it anywhere else!!) bottom line pretty happy lol..

oh and donner the first thing i did to my x when i got it was threw in a new hu and put an older rockford punch 12 (old series not the new ones so its way better lol) and just a small alpine amp

but a question what do you mean by black out my frame with rustoleum?? preventing rusting from the constant salt stuck to the underside??

Vinegar, nice, I'll haveto try that.
