What's the average miles per tank? | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What's the average miles per tank?

I have a bone stock 94 X sport I normally get about 220 - 230 miles to the tank right now it needs a tune up which may improve it a hair more but I dont really expect it to

don't put the 10% ethanol crap in your tank and if you have to use lucas ethanol treatment. i use 100% gas in my 91 eb and 00 and i get 200-220 for 1/2 tank in my 91 and 95% of mine is city i have tested it in both 10% ethanol gave me less mpg , 10% w/ lucas gave me alil better than just 10% and 100% gas im doing great just a quick lesson ethanol eats up rubber fuel componts in non-ethanol cars such as injector o-rings it buns around 76,100 BTUs per gallon while pure Gasoline delivers around 114,100 BTUs per gallon.
Adding Ethanol to your gas will not add more power, it will lessen the amount of BTUs and therefore lessen your gas-mileage.
So pure gasoline delivers more MPG than gasoline with 10% ethanol. if any wants pm me for more info of i can start up a post of 10% ethanol vs gas so every one can share what mpg they get with each
