What's the most overlooked bit of p.m. that you think is most important. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What's the most overlooked bit of p.m. that you think is most important.


New Member
August 16, 2011
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City, State
Baytown, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
03 Explorer Sport XLT
Just kind of curious what you feel is the most overlooked preventive maintenance that will benefit you the most. Changing oil does not count since most of us do that but, something like changing the coolant, power steering fluid, transmission oil and filter change etc.

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Changing the transmission fluid.

most over looked that i see, is brakes, rotors, and tires.

Flushing the tranny and changing the fluid, without a doubt.

#2 would be flushing the brake fluid.

Tranny fluid.

Close second- using the wrong parts or using gimmick parts.

Tranny is my vote as well. I've lost a transmission, its no fun!

In the 2nd gen explorers with the "auto 4x4" I think it is changing the transfer case fluid. I change mine once a year because after changing it the first time @65k it was dark black and they take ATF so it should have been bright red. That was before I started off-roading it so it was from all highway use...

Most do the recommended mechanical PM,

What I feel is most overlooked is:

Wash, Clay, Wax, Vacuum and clean interior, Door jambs, and keep debris out of the drain holes in doors, quarter panels, in and around water channels.

Poorly kept paint, rust and a dirty interior kills a vehicles value and make an unpleasant ownership.


A clean car with a few overlooked oil or transmission services is worth a whole lot more then a vehicle that doesn't "look good."

In the 2nd gen explorers with the "auto 4x4" I think it is changing the transfer case fluid. I change mine once a year because after changing it the first time @65k it was dark black and they take ATF so it should have been bright red. That was before I started off-roading it so it was from all highway use...

Good call. I wanted to do that earlier this summer but I have forgotten...97k, its probably due for a change, along with the rear diff fluid

When changing your oil, grease all steering and suspension parts thet have grease fittings. If your universal joints have fittings, grease them too. I never understood why all of those parts don't come with grease fittings when new. I guess they save 50 cents per car and can sell you suspension repairs for hundreds of dollars.


It caused my tranny to die at only 108K miles.

I bought my '97 Mountaineer with just under 90k in May 2001. I sold it in Apr this year wtih 250k. In the time I had it I never changed the tranny fluid and never had a single issue with the transmission.

Most do the recommended mechanical PM,

What I feel is most overlooked is:

Wash, Clay, Wax, Vacuum and clean interior, Door jambs, and keep debris out of the drain holes in doors, quarter panels, in and around water channels.

Poorly kept paint, rust and a dirty interior kills a vehicles value and make an unpleasant ownership.


A clean car with a few overlooked oil or transmission services is worth a whole lot more then a vehicle that doesn't "look good."

Best post so far. On top of what you already said, a clean vehicle will also give you the extra motivation to keep everything mechanically in check as well.
