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wheel bearing stuff


Well-Known Member
August 10, 2001
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Syracuse, NY
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Explorer '94 XLT
well, forgot to add this to my previous post about the wheel studs...while i had the truck jacked up, i figured id repack the bearings. get the left side off and done in about 10 minutes (its soo true what everyones said...im a D35 bearing packing madman now) well, on the left side..i totally forgot about this, but when i did my bearings back in june, i had to basically hammer the inside bearing onto the spindle thingy. cuz it was soo tight. when i went to take them off originally i thought the right was seized on the spindle, so i went to the junkyard and got a new spindle, turns out...it wasnt....and i tried sliding the bearing down on that new junkyard spindle..and it did the same thing...is this normal? and if so, why does it only happen on the right side? and how do u work around it?

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do you have a wrong sized bearing? what about the grease seals?

the bearings are the same size, i tried interchanging the ones i put on the left side with the right ones...and the same result, grease seals are both the same

if i remember correctly, the inside and outer bearings are different sizes....
there is definately a problem somewhere... you should not have to force the bearing over the spindle... it should basically just sit on it... not needing to be shoved onto it...

thats definately odd. back when i changed the bearings, i bought four new ones from advanced auto. they were all the same size etc. always something, haha. before, how i got it off was using a little dremel grinder thingy. cut through the middle of the bearing till i reached the spindle, then just twisted it off. im not looking forward to that again, took about 2-3 hours..and about 40 of those grinding disks, haha

The bearings are the same size on our '92. I buy 4 of the same bearings.. The only time I had a hard time removing an inner bearing is when we let it go too long between re-packing and it started to sieze.. once knocked it off.. I used emery cloth to clean up where it was and havn't had one stick again.


oh ok... its been awhile since i repacked mine.... maybe they are the same size.... i do know that on an econoline van with ttb they are different sizes that why i assumed ours were similar in design... i worked on one yesterday at work.... hmmmm.... that is odd.... good question then.... binding is bad.. and needs to at least be figured out why its binding...

Alternatively, when you get your wheels off take the rotors to be machined (its a good practice anyway) and when your machine shop goes to machine them they'll have to break the old bearing to get them off, then you get two new wheel bearings for free.:D
Make sure the place that machines them stocks your wheel bearings otherwise you get nothing.....

huh? they dont need to brake anything to get the bearings out.... they do need to take off the grease seal.... but that is nowhere near getting 2 bearings for free.... aj, what are you talking about? :smoke:

Instead of him using a dremel to cut anything let the shop do it. If they ruin anything (bearings, seals or otherwise) then its up to them to replace it.

ya but...for me to do the bearings..costs maybe $40-50 tops...and a day, if i dont remedy this. if i take it to a shop, like i did before, it costs $300-400, and im still without the X for a day
