Wheel Interchange (other vehicles w/5x114.3 70.5) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wheel Interchange (other vehicles w/5x114.3 70.5)


Elite Explorer
June 6, 2021
Reaction score
City, State
Longmont, CO
Year, Model & Trim Level
2020 Explorer Platinum
So, just bought my brand new 2020 Platinum (it sat for months waiting for recall parts…got a crazy deal on it Memorial Day weekend).

I love it, but I live in Colorado and ski, so the Scorpions on 20” rims aren’t going to cut it for ski season. I’m anticipating that supply chain issues will still be with us in the fall, so I’m starting my search for a winter wheel/tire combo now. Since I’m not super hung up on the looks of my wheels and tires for winter, I’m focusing on price and effectiveness. That means the fewer shekels I spend on wheels, the more I can spend on tires.

To that end, I started looking at 18” steel wheel options, but I about spit out my tongue when I saw what PIU wheels were going for. Base model takeoffs aren’t much cheaper around here either, so then I started looking aftermarket and it’s only a little better. So I thought I’d try casting a wider net.

I’m trying to determine what other vehicles have not only the 5x114.3 bolt pattern, but also that wacky 70.5 hub and 37.5 offset (or close).

Anyone found another vehicle (besides the Aviator) with this?


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FYI all explorers have the 5x113.4 pattern from the first year 1991 to present. Also the edge/MKX up to 2013 the fusion/MKZ up to 2012, the escape up to 2012, the ranger truck, the mustang from 1994 to present. Also the last generation Taurus/MKS, ford flex had the same pattern. The 113.4 is the same as 4.5" and back in the sixties it was the standard ford pattern 5 x 4.5"

If you find a wheel that has a larger hub bore than you have, you can get a set of hub-centric rings to fill the gap.

There’s a lot more to wheel fitment than the lugs. Factory wheels usually sell for a premium, making appropriate fit aftermarket wheels usually a better choice.

Welcome to the Forum Mallthus. :wave:
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Yes, those 18" wheels are very expensive in the U.S. Here in Canada they run about $120 each. I lease my vehicles and the winter set I had for my 2017 Platinum was not a direct fit for my Aviator so for the first time I just ordered a set of 20" winter tires (Blizzak DMV2) and have them mounted on my OEM wheels when the season changes.


There’s a lot more to wheel fitment than the lugs. Factory wheels usually sell for a premium, making appropriate fit aftermarket wheels usually a better choice.
Yes. I definitely get that, which is why I posited the question the way I did. I find that, many times, used OEM wheels are often quite inexpensive if you’re not being super picky about a particular wheel or model. Takeoffs, wrecks, and even garage sales can often yield used OEM wheels for very, very low prices…sometimes even free (if you’re lucky). And when you’re looking for a smaller size than what’s “cool” and you’re ok with some blemishes (they’re gonna be winter rims after all), it’s often easier still. Last time I did this, I put used Yukon wheels on a Nissan Titan and I paid less for four wheels than the cheapest single wheel on TireRack. I put $10 worth of Nissan decals over the GMC logo on the wheels. 😂

But as common as the lug pattern is for our Explorers/Aviators, the hub and offset are not as common, hence my question.

Welcome to the Forum Mallthus. :wave:
Thank you for supporting the site through your Elite Explorer membership.
Yes, those 18" wheels are very expensive in the U.S. Here in Canada they run about $120 each. I lease my vehicles and the winter set I had for my 2017 Platinum was not a direct fit for my Aviator so for the first time I just ordered a set of 20" winter tires (Blizzak DMV2) and have them mounted on my OEM wheels when the season changes.

Thanks. If I were closer to the border, I’d order in Canada and be done with it. But…c'est la vie!

If you find a wheel that has a larger hub bore than you have, you can get a set of hub-centric rings to fill the gap.
Good point on the hub spacer. Bigger is easy. Smaller is a problem. 😂

No you can't. If you find a set of wheels you really have to have but the hub bore is too small, you only have two options.
1 get a set of custom wheel spacers that have the correct hub bore on the back for the vehicle and a smaller register on the front to fit the hub bore of the wheels you intend to use.
2 have the hub bore opened up to fit the vehicle.
I chose option 2 for my edge sport 22's on my 21 ST. the wheels I have came from a 2014 edge sport but they had a 63.4 mm hub bore but the 20+ explorers have a 70.5 mm bore, so I found a machine shop the specializes in modifying wheels and had the bore opened up from 63.4 to 70.5 mm

I spent 250 to have that done. A quality set of wheel spacers will cost about the same, so it's ultimately up to you. But if the new wheels sit a little too far in go with the custom spacers, they will push your wheels farther out of the wheel well.

No you can't. If you find a set of wheels you really have to have but the hub bore is too small, you only have two options.
1 get a set of custom wheel spacers that have the correct hub bore on the back for the vehicle and a smaller register on the front to fit the hub bore of the wheels you intend to use.
2 have the hub bore opened up to fit the vehicle.
I chose option 2 for my edge sport 22's on my 21 ST. the wheels I have came from a 2014 edge sport but they had a 63.4 mm hub bore but the 20+ explorers have a 70.5 mm bore, so I found a machine shop the specializes in modifying wheels and had the bore opened up from 63.4 to 70.5 mm
So the bore I have are 2011-2015 Ford rims chrome but they are 63.4 or 63.5 one of them but my explorer is 70.5 so I did not want to cut them but I guess I will have too

What vehicle did they come from? And what vehicle are you putting them on?

Ok, so the wheels are from a gen 5 and you're putting them on a gen 3, correct?

I looked up the hub bore size for the gen 3 explorers and it is 70.5, so yes to run those wheels, you will need to have them opened up. You're in CA, I'm guessing somewhere in SoCal? If I can find a shop in Cleveland to modify the wheels and CLE has a population of less than 400K you can probably find about a half dozen in SoCal.

Have you looked at a set of 20's from a 20+ explorer? they also have a 70.5 bore, so they will just bolt on. Granted they will cost more, but by the time you have the gen 5 wheels modified, you may be at the same price.

I know how you feel, first time I saw the factory 22's on the 13-14 edge sport, I had to have a set and I didn't care how much they cost or what I had to do to make them work, I wanted those wheels.

edge sport 22.jpg




Which rims are those ??

They were on the 13-14 edge sport. They a 22x9's and the black and polished version is how they came from the factory. I found a set powder coated gloss black on ebay for 1800. Another 250 to have them modified to fit and another 1900 for the tires 285/40/ZR22 Continental Contisport Contact 5P summer only tires.

They were on the 13-14 edge sport. They a 22x9's and the black and polished version is how they came from the factory. I found a set powder coated gloss black on ebay for 1800. Another 250 to have them modified to fit and another 1900 for the tires 285/40/ZR22 Continental Contisport Contact 5P summer only tires.
what vehicle you have them on?

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A 21 explorer ST
