When to use Z1 again? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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When to use Z1 again?

How do you know when to use Z1 after having used Z2 for some time?


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Z1 should be used after every 10th coat of Zaino (whether it is Z2 or Z5). Do the Z1 when you're putting on the 11th coat, 21st coat, etc.



Originally posted by Mike 92 XLT
Z1 should be used after every 10th coat of Zaino (whether it is Z2 or Z5). Do the Z1 when you're putting on the 11th coat, 21st coat, etc.


Where did you get that information?

From Sal Zaino.



Originally posted by Mike 92 XLT
From Sal Zaino.

Thanks. The Zaino website sau >>It is not necessary to use Z-1 Polish Lok™ every time you polish your vehicle. Z-1 Polish Lok™ is recommended the first time you do your vehicle and thereafter, once a year for show cars and twice a year for everyday vehicles.<<

Yeah, but I'm a polishing fiend (17 so far and most likely staying that way until I get back to Cali next year), so I thought I'd ask him.


