Where did you go to college? | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Where did you go to college?

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International University of Street Justice

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No college for me.

Your just a natural smart azz hehe!

I went to West Virginia University.
Let's Go Mountaineers!
Mech Eng.

Pudue University for both B.S. and M.S.

Slippery Rock University for me.
My son's at Penn State, sophmore in Mechanical Engineering

I went to a state community college, studied Office Management and Computer Technology

Tarleton State University class of '02 B.S. in Computer Info Systems.

Go Texans!

Richland Community College in Dallas 94-98 (partied too much!)
Yay Thunderducks!

Buyer for...www.shoes.com :D

I buy Men's Outdoor, Work, Urban and Western for the website. When I started 3 years ago, I bought all Men's lines. We're just too big now, I can't do it all myself. I manage over 60 brands, which is about twice as many as I should be doing with some of the monsters I have.

Highest paying profession. Sales :)

Carroll Community College & Community College of Baltimore County, Maryland AA in Engineering

I currently go to Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott, AZ. Major in Aeronautical Science.

UNC at Pembroke

Dartmouth College

BS Chemistry - Lincoln Memorial University - Harrogate, TN
BS Math - Lincoln Memorial University - Harrogate, TN
MS Chemical Engineering - Georgia Tech

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