Where did you go to college? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Where did you go to college?

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So i am going to take the day off tomm. LOL

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for what?

one class we have two day we can skip and not suffer. Tomm is that day
another class i could quit going today and pass with a high b. so im good
The other one i just need a break from. Its my chem class. I have a b and i can get his powerpoint off the internet.

Me a loser :(

me no go to college:D

But I make more then my wife and she has a Masters:p:

however she is a teacher...and it's only her first year.:rolleyes:

Stic-o what do you do for a living?

I'm going to Linn Benton Community College, Finishing up my AAS in Automotive Technology.

Stic-o what do you do for a living?

Buyer for...www.shoes.com :D

I buy Men's Outdoor, Work, Urban and Western for the website. When I started 3 years ago, I bought all Men's lines. We're just too big now, I can't do it all myself. I manage over 60 brands, which is about twice as many as I should be doing with some of the monsters I have.

I knew that. I thought i seen that somewhere before but was not sure.

I've been to about every college in California. :cool:

Buyer for...www.shoes.com :D

I buy Men's Outdoor, Work, Urban and Western for the website. When I started 3 years ago, I bought all Men's lines. We're just too big now, I can't do it all myself. I manage over 60 brands, which is about twice as many as I should be doing with some of the monsters I have.

You need to pick up Hoffman boots. They have some new ones I want to try out. :D

*ahem http://www.hoffmanboots.com/ProductInfo.aspx?productid=LTROOPER *ahem

Graduated from California State University Fresno. Didnt learn a thing about spelling or grammer. Atleast I paid attention in my business classes.

No college for me.

Ohio State, the UCLA. Now I teach a little, very little.

Bachelor's in Physics from East Stroudsburg University (PA)
Bachelor's in Aerospace Engineering from Penn State University

BS in Microbiology The University of Georgia
MS in Biochemistry/Microbiology The University of South Florida

I graduated from Vermont College back when dinosaurs roamed the Earth.

I'm in college but I've never been to collage? hehe

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