A4LD 4x4 tranny fit a 86 ranger auto? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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A4LD 4x4 tranny fit a 86 ranger auto?

December 20, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Canby, Oregon
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 XLT 4X4
I got a 86 ranger with an automatic. engine is a 2.9 v6 if that helps.
After my tranny gave up on me i removed it from the ranger and went to the junk yard and pulled out another tranny from the same 2.9 engine as my ranger.
When i took it home and removed the oil pan i saw a broken metal ring in the filter and so i decided to not install the transmission because i found the same thing but plastic ring in my original tranny after it blew up on me.

My question is what other makes and models with the same transmission will bolt into my ranger with little modification? I really don't want to pull apart my junkyard A4LD to see if that broken ring is from the tranny and not some idiot that forgot to make sure the oil pan was clean after a rebuild. Will a 4x4 A4ld work?

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Here is the picture. copper on top and silver on the other side.


What is this?

if its a thrust washer or a snap ring how would it get to the filter? i looked all around the inside and i see no damage.:scratch:


so that means the transmission is fried. I guess i will return the junkyard transmission and look for another. Thank you for the help. I'll update when i get the replacement.

It's a good thing that you caught it now before you installed it. By the way, clean out your front cooler with a cooler cleaning chemical before you install a good transmission. Debris could get caught inside of the cooler from the old transmission, then get pushed into the new transmission.
