Where does this hose go?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Where does this hose go??


Well-Known Member
July 16, 2007
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I have a 1992 Explorer 4.0 OHV 4X4. I removed all the A/C so maybe its use for something of th A/C i dont know.

I just looked at my vacuum line and seen that ...where does it go ??
Also theres a plastic thing like a "submarine" just beside the blower motor assembly...can someone send me a picture of this to see if i plugged it back correctly?? Thank you

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Here's a pic of the set up on my '91 for ya i think it pretty self explanitory;)


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Thank you ..i go outside and chekc it :) Il be back soon with another hose picture because there will be one that is unplugged :p

Is it ok you think?? and by the way where the vacuun line of the bimetal air cleaner sensor is plugged???

Yea it looks ok to me

Ok i plugged it as you said but look on this pic theres a remaining hose unplugged ...what is it used for??? Sorry to bother you but thats a real mess there. The hose plogged on the left with plastic protector arond it is from bimetal sensor ..is it ok or i should use the other one under it?? A scheme would be really useful lol.

Lemme take a second look at mine

Ok so for the T the left plug it it for the braided hose that is plugged on the bimetal airfilter sensor or for the smaller platicline just nder it and i repluged it wrong?

hey can you send me you picture of your engine bay that you have in the selling section for your truck we clearly see the hoses. Aend it in my email please
X_1980_X@hotmail.com I got it from there but when i oversize it it become low quality.
Thank you

Yea DevilBoy is in the right track. The Corrugated line coming from the air box is supposed to go to one of lines on top of the coil and the other is for the FPR and the line coming from the under the heater hoses in front of the a/c box is supposed to go the t-fitting or the bi-metal you have there

Ok so the everything is ok except the remainng hose. Can you tell what is the use of the two small hose that are plugged together just next to the primary coil wire?? And finally do i need to remove the coil pac to reinstaller the FPR hose?

Not sure about the two that are connected together, but I think they might run back to the air box as well. There are two hoses connected to it. You shouldn't have to remove the coil pack to install the FPR hose, but I believe it is supposed to be routed under it, and it's a pretty tight squeeze to get your hand in there and connect it, but I have done it many times.

My solution

As you can see the corrugated hose come from the bimetal sensor or the air box and it plug on the left of the T.The other corrugated under the T and the right to vacuum reservoir. The hose that is sticked to the firewall is plugged directly on intake vacuum fittins and go down with a small curve to the FPR. Now did i made that corectly?? :p
Thank you guys.


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Ooh i see that cybergasm your line sticked to the firewall go on the T...i made a mistake i think...or anyway the vacuum come from all the same place so it dont mather??

It shouldn't matter, because like you say, the vacuum should all be the same, but the the one attached to the firewall should go to the T, and the one that's attached in it's place on the T should go to the FPR.

Edit: In the picture I sent you, you won't be able to see the line to the FPR, because it is routed under the coil pack right on top of the lower intake manifold.

Ok i made a mistake then because i changed my valve cover gaskets and it must have been when i replugged the hose and reinstaleld the coil pack because the one on the T it was a real **** to try plug it on the FPR.

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