Where to buy a new A4LD Bellhousing? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Where to buy a new A4LD Bellhousing?


Active Member
November 2, 2009
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91 XLT
I took a gamble and it didn't pay off. I dropped my trans in my 91X and replaced the front trans seal. I knew at that time I should have replaced the bushing put didn't. The Torque converter seemed to have a good amount of slop when it was fully installed in the transmission. That was my 2nd hint I should replace. I would send it in to have a new bushing installed, but I managed to mess up the race that the seal is in. So I am better off to drop tranny again and replace the whole housing.

Where is the cheapest place to get a new housing?? What do they cost?

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yeh, but a used one could have a bad bushing also. I guess I could send a used one out to have a new bushing milled in.

You should contact them before you buy it. Where to do see the reference to the bushing? Is it in the break out photo or the price list? There is a note on the top right hand corner of the page to log in to see discounted prices. It might be a little cheaper if you set up an account with them (name, password, etc).
