Where to find replacement 4 wheel drive switch and cruise pod lights? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Where to find replacement 4 wheel drive switch and cruise pod lights?

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Ford does not sell replacement bulbs for 95-97 Explorers anymore. You have to either buy the whole switch or change to LEDs. Or, you can go to Radio Shack and get a replacement bulb and re-wire it. There is a post somewhere on this site that tells you how to do it and what size the bulb, but not sure where.

I can't seem to find the correct type of bulb. RadioShack had one that worked, but it was too long. Any suggestions on where to find a regular bulb like the stock one, short of the whole switch?

If Radio Shack doesn't have it, I dunno what to tell ya... check their catalogs and see if they are just out of stock or can order it, they have most any form factor of bulb and I've replaced several types of Ford factory bulbs with theirs.

Stopped by RadioShack again; nothing in store, and they don't order out of catalogs anymore. I put up a want at in the buy/sell section, and I guess I'll just keep looking on the internet - it's just hard to get the right size over the internet, without being able to match them up in person.

read over some of the LED mod threads, if you do it once you'll never need to do it again where as if you replace with an incandescent bulb it could burn out again

I've read over most of them, and while I plan to convert at least the cruise pods this summer (as those seem the most pain to take out/apart), I don't really have time to do it until summer. Any recommendations on what bulbs/resistors to buy?

By the way, I did find these on RadioShack's website: Bulbs that look like they'll work until I can do the LED conversion.

This is the bulb you need... Radio Shack #272-1092. It's not an exact fit but it's the correct wattage and you can place the old condom from your burnt out bulb over the new one. Just use a threading needle and work it slowly around the condom so it will not tear. However, the regular bulbs go out all the time so I just gave in one day and installed LED's throughtout my truck. So far no problems.

Wow- weird timing...

I was tossing some laundry in tonight, and lo and behold, I noticed something sitting there... ;)


I have some of the other ones laying around too, if you want to PM me your address, I can toss some in a padded envelope and send them to you. I grab them whenever I'm at the junkyard. :)

Great find Joe.

I'll take the GooGone.:D
