Where to get cone filter adapter? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Where to get cone filter adapter?


December 17, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Nashville, TN
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 XLT
Where is the best place to get an adapter for a cone filter? I'm not interested in replacing the whole intake system or anything...all I want to do is put on a cone filter instead of the stock box it has now. Can you get an adapter at Advance or AutoZone or do you need to fab these?

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Where is the best place to get an adapter for a cone filter? I'm not interested in replacing the whole intake system or anything...all I want to do is put on a cone filter instead of the stock box it has now. Can you get an adapter at Advance or AutoZone or do you need to fab these?

Measure your maf housing for me--I may have one that fits--

I need the measurements between the mounting screw holes--

I got the adapter+the filter on ebay for $22 shipped.:thumbsup:

pep boys sells them for our cars, thats where i got mine for my snorkel

Go to Home Depot and buy one of those PVC shower drain pipe adapters. Then trim to fit. It'll cost you about $5. I've had one on my truck for the past 6 years with no problems.
