Which is Better: 2dr or 4dr? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Which is Better: 2dr or 4dr?


Well-Known Member
June 23, 2005
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City, State
Long Beach, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 Sport
I'm just curious, Ex owners, why you bought a 2 or 4 door and why you think it's better. I specifically went out to buy a 2nd gen 2 door because I didn't need rear seat passenger access or fold down seat cargo capacity. I like the look of the 2 door and I find it hard to beat the turning radius.

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No 2 door came with the 5.0.

No 2 door came with the 5.0.

and I have a kid, 4 doors > two doors with kids.

2door would be nicer for mudding though, shorter wheelbase gets around tight turns easier.

2door would be nicer for mudding though, shorter wheelbase gets around tight turns easier.

If you want a mudtruck get a Bronco. Shortwheel base = higher rollover rate. Plus the wheelbase of the sport compared to the 4 door is so small it doesn't make much of a difference.

2 door has crappy monoleaf rear suspension. 4 door has stronger suspension.

Well started with a 94 sport because my dad said he'd sell it to me for $500 since i totalled my ZX2 and would never find a deal like that anywhere, then that slid on ice, so when I went for the 92 I got it cuz i liked the look of the sport model and liked the performance of my 94, and got the 96 XLT because its better to have with having a dog she can put her head out the back window when we go away.

My 2 door looks better than the [stock] 4 doors. Unfortunately, I do not have the option for a 5.0 with a 2 door:(

I chose the 2 dr because I'm single with no kids. It makes it feel a little more "sporty" (pun intended) too. If the 2 dr had a 5.0 I would be all over that too.

Of course you could throw all this out the window if I was married and had a kid or two...then I would def go for the 4 dr.

yea i went for the 2 door because it looked better... i wanted an SUV that was big enough to carry a pretty good load but small enough that I wasnt driving around a tank. Originally I wanted an escape but realized that i couldnt fit too much in it and there didnt seem to be a lot of room to customize it the way i can with an explorer (realized this after finding EF).
I'm glad I went with the Sport, its worked out well so far minus the problem with damn rear headrests and their stupid-ass no-button design.

I like the looks of my 2 doors, even though they are both not running right now. I have the best looking driveway in town!

I went with the 2dr,cause all the 4dr I was looking at were rusted out under the rear doors!

4 doors rule, more cargo or passenger space, i wouldnt be able to lay down i nthe back of a 2dr. the wheelbase between the 2 and 4 door is very minimal, longer wheelbase is smoother

reading this it got me curious anyone know the exact wheel base differance i wanted a 2 door as well but when i was looking at one i was thinking the same thing didnt look to much shorter

4 doors rule, more cargo or passenger space, i wouldnt be able to lay down i nthe back of a 2dr.

I completely forgot about this, but i have spent the night in the back of my 4 door countless times, in fact 2 nights this past weekend. And having moved myself and roommates/friends dozens of times this year, the extra space has been so useful. That's probably more significant than the 5.0 in my case.

4 cus it looks more like a truck i think
the 2dr kinda just looks like a toy, my gf and sister have a 2dr sooooo

but yea i go 4dr and i got the 5.0

i have both a 2dr and 4dr...love them both
in the 2dr i feel like i'm driving a racing truck or something lol, might be b/c of the loud straight pipe exhaust.
and in the 4dr..idk guess its more of a cruiser than anything, being a Eddie

I completely forgot about this, but i have spent the night in the back of my 4 door countless times, in fact 2 nights this past weekend. And having moved myself and roommates/friends dozens of times this year, the extra space has been so useful. That's probably more significant than the 5.0 in my case.

is ur truck awd?? i thought u couldnt do 3" spindles on the awd

if its not awd then never mind! lol

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i like my 4 door, but i would probably be better off with a 2 door and a standard transmission for reliability and gas mileage. the 4 door is nice when you have to get alot of people in it or you need somewhere to sleep, maybe with a significant other :D
