Which is Better: 2dr or 4dr? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Which is Better: 2dr or 4dr?

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Funny, when I was a kid no self respecting male drove a 4 door unless he was cop. My dad swore by 2 door cars ('56 Bel Air, '65 Impala SS, '71 Chevelle SS, '73 911S) even with three kids. The 911 had jump seats and there were no seat belt laws back then. I broke down and bought my first sub-compact 4 door in 1988 (easier to put babies into car seats) and then several 4 doors after that. Today, 4 doors are #1 in cars, SUVs and even P/U trucks.

My kids are grown up so all my rides are now 2 door. 4 doors may put the Ute in SUV but my 2 doors bring back memories of my youth in a black '71 Chevelle SS or my BMOC high school ride, a gold '73 Big Blazer. It's good to know that there isn't the stigma of driving a 4 door anymore and people are thinking about others, especially mom-in-law in the back seat.

I do notice the manufacturers have developed several new 2 door models. I guess us empty nester boomers don't have kids to drive around anymore.

Keep your thoughts on the mighty Ex coming. I love them all.

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I too have a 2dr and a 4dr, the 2dr with a stick is much more fun to drive, but the 4dr is more pratical.

4 Door.........you have much more options with a 4 door.....looks more like a truck.......has more room for camping...if your into it......

Funny, when I was a kid no self respecting male drove a 4 door unless he was cop.

My kids are grown up so all my rides are now 2 door. 4 doors may put the Ute in SUV but my 2 doors bring back memories of my youth in a black '71 Chevelle SS or my BMOC high school ride, a gold '73 Big Blazer.

I do notice the manufacturers have developed several new 2 door models. I guess us empty nester boomers don't have kids to drive around anymore.

Kind of my thoughts, a 2 door is just cool. It's just me and the GF now anyway. The grand kids can climb in easy enough!

Well the main reason I bought my Explorer was because it was $950 and ran and drove great.

But, I do prefer 2 door models overall. I like the way they look, I have nostalgia for two door SUVs since they are a relic from a period when SUVs were actually worth something off road, and it is all I need. I don't have kids, and my friends can "suffer" since it is my gas that is being burned anyway. The short wheel base is nice too. The Explorer is surprisingly easier to park and maneuver than my regular cab short bed Ranger.

I think the 4 door looks better not mention more room. $2000 was the main reason I bought mine but needed a 4 door anyways for the GF and 2 kids.

I've had both 2 door Explorers and 4 door Explorers. They both have their points. The main advantage of the 4 door is the extra space and it has a slightly better ride. The 2 door weighs less, so it has better acceleration (when comparing the same drivetrains) and gets better fuel economy. It also has a smaller turning radius. For offroading, the 2 door works better for getting in and out of tight spots.

I am of no help to you. I have never owned a 4 door (but ill post anyway). I had a 70 caprice (2 door hard top) a 2 door 98 ex stick, then i got married and bought a minivan, now im divorced and have a 99 2 door. All in all I think the 2 doors just look better all around, not the 1st gens though. If you have kids do not buy a 2 door. I repeat, if you have kids do not buy a 2 door. I am a single dad with a 3 1/2 year old and a 2 year old and possibly another one in about 7 months. Puttin my boys and their car seats in and out of that wretched back seat drives me crazy, sometimes i wait till i dont have my boys to run errands just cause im sweating like a pig after about 3 stops (hence i am going to start looking at expeditions<opinions greatly taken into consideration if any of you have one). Buy whatever fits your lifestyle, and take the future into consideration..........

i went out looking for any explorer, and the best one i found was a 2 door. either of them are fine, but i like having my little SUV.

i went out looking for any explorer, and the best one i found was a 2 door. either of them are fine, but i like having my little SUV.

Like I said, the 2 door Sport has a high coolness factor. :p:
