Whining/winding noise that comes & goes from rear wheels. When it's audible, happens w/every revolution of rear wheels. HELP! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Whining/winding noise that comes & goes from rear wheels. When it's audible, happens w/every revolution of rear wheels. HELP!


January 21, 2023
Reaction score
City, State
Cape Girardeau, Missouri
Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 Explorer XLT
I have a 2005 Explorer XLT. Have had new rotors, calipers, & pads put on. Also, just had new sway bar links & bushings put on too. But the whining/winding noise it makes whenever the noise is audible, which is more often than not, happens w/every revolution of the rear wheels. Does ANYONE have any ideas?! Would be very grateful, I assure you!

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The bearings are notorious for going out.

The bearings are notorious for going out.
That was kinda my next line of thought, but no play in the wheel when my buddy/mechanic put it up on his lift... But I'm at my wit's end w/this SOB! Thanx for the reply!

If the sound is intermittent, it could be the brakes, parking brake
New rotors calipers & pads from TRQ auto parts. Also new parking brake shoes & hardware kit. Also had the rear diff serviced.

I had a whining noise from my right rear of the vehicle. The wheel had no play in it. I just kept driving it though, since I wasn't sure what it was. It had the factory bearings in it still. Then one day on the freeway, I heard a pop, so I pulled over and grabbed the top of the tire. It had lots of movement. I live rural, so I just kept driving at a slow speed until I got home. The tire didn't come off, but I thought it might.

Bearings. The rears are a PITA!!! Just did my fronts.

And IDK if I mentioned... New parking brake shoes & hardware kit. I'm going to the shop tomorrow. I'll record a clip of it, join elite Explorers, & post it. Gonna ask if he put the slippers on, too. The shims, I'm meaning.
I'm beginning to wonder if that's my problem. It'll be more pronounced sometimes hanging a hard left. But I was wondering... Instead of the 235 70 16s it calls for, I got a steal on some brand-new Dunlop 235 60 16s & put those on. Anyone have any thoughts?

Bearings. The rears are a PITA!!! Just did my fronts.
Ya really think so? Cuz I know the 3rd Gens were the 1st to have an Independent rear suspension, so... Also, I'm going to join Elite Explorers & post a video of the tire making the noise, & also of the wheel turning as it makes the noise, so as to see if anyone notices a slight wobble in the tire(s). And lastly, it sat for almost 4 yrs before I got it. I wondered if they didn't clean up those two pins that hold the caliper on the bracket, & if I have debris falling down in there. I'm very appreciative of any & all responses BTW.👍

Bearings. The rears are a PITA!!! Just did my fronts.
All mine & my father's tools got stolen,😕 so I'm having to depend on a friend of mine & my father's. Helluva mechanic. Been doing it for 40 yrs this yr, & he has EVERYTHING a professional, 'name-brand' outfit does, but his labor is 45, 50% cheaper! Very fair man.

I'm beginning to wonder if that's my problem. It'll be more pronounced sometimes hanging a hard left. But I was wondering... Instead of the 235 70 16s it calls for, I got a steal on some brand-new Dunlop 235 60 16s & put those on. Anyone have any thoughts?
If it makes noise when you turn one way and not the other it sounds like a bad hub bearing. I'd jack it up and give the tires a good hard shake, then take the wheel off and check the brakes for good measure.

If it makes noise when you turn one way and not the other it sounds like a bad hub bearing. I'd jack it up and give the tires a good hard shake, then take the wheel off and check the brakes for good measure.
It's at my buddy's shop just down the block, but I'll be doin that tomorrow where he can just put it on the rack. It's definitely when you hang a left. But I believe(?) it has done it making a right as well. But it set for a LONG time, so both could need replacing. But I don't have the tools anymore to tackle it myself, or I absolutely would! Lastly, it NEVER makes the noise on the rack. Has to be on the ground & have weight on the wheels. I wonder if a failing rear strut or other suspension component could be causing it??
