Who can I contact for info about a lift for my stock '00 sport? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Who can I contact for info about a lift for my stock '00 sport?

Big Jon

New Member
April 14, 2000
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I am seriously contemplating about a lift for my car, and I was wondering which one to get, how much it would cost, and where I could get it done. Do you think the trailmaster lift would be a good investment?
Any info would be great.

Jon Molina
'00 Sport 4x2 4.0L SOHC

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Hi Jon, and welcome to the site.
As of this time, there are NO lifts available for your truck or any 95+ Explorer. the best you can do is a "Torsion Bar Twist" and shackles or add-a-leaf. The Trailmaster is the only lift said to be for the 98-00 models. The promises of "it will be out shortly" have been around for quite some time. Still no lift. There are 4wheel shops that will take the 4" Superlift kit for the Ranger and modify it to fit the Explorer. They say it's around 2K for it installed. Most of us have done the "Torsion Bar Twist" in the mean time while we are just waiting for it to be available. Sorry I don't have better news.

Happy Wheelin'
Ray L.
97 XLT 4X4 4.0L SOHC
Dead Link Removed

Well... That kinda sucks, but I guess that's the price that I gotta pay. Thanks for the info and i'll start to find a good place for the lift or twist. I'll keep you posted on any up-coming mods. Thanks again.
By the way... NICE CAR

Jon Molina
'00 Sport 4x2 4.0L SOHC

Hey Ray, I have heard that Superlift will be coming out with a lift for the 98-00 Explorers. I have of yet to contact them and ask about it, but from what I hear, it will be based off the Ranger lift. So sometime down the road there will be 2 lift options for the 98-00. Hopefully this competition may help push the development of a lift for the 95-97 Explorers, but it seems that neither companies really want to touch that right now.

Tim Y.
1996 Explorer XLT
4.0L OHV 4x4

Hey Tim,
Where did you hear this from. The last thing I heard from Superlift was that they weren't going to do it, because it was too hard.

Happy Wheelin'
Ray L.
97 XLT 4X4 4.0L SOHC
Dead Link Removed

Where would I be able to take a Ranger Superlift and get it retrofitted to my Exploder?

Wes Ulmer
'99 Eddie Bauer Explorer 4x4
4.0L SOHC V6
265/75-R16 BFG KO's
Edelbrock IAS Shocks
K&N Open Element Air Filter
Bosch Platinum 4+
Dual 40 Series Flowmasters
Manik 4x4 Grill Guard
Warn X8000i Winch
