Whoo Haa!! NIIICE PA Trail!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Whoo Haa!! NIIICE PA Trail!!


Somewhat Functional
Moderator Emeritus
January 11, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
McVeytown, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'18 XLT
Found a real nice trail climb in Central PA today!! Went to a powerline about 25 miles from my house, and it's a FINE climb. Definintely 4lo territory. It's about a 500-750' altitude change over about 1.5 miles (several flats in the middle). I've got 2" lift and 31's and I still could have used 2-4" more lift in a couple of spots. Whacked the hitch a couple of times going through gullies. We turned around about half way up, since my daughter was getting a little nervous. From the map, it looks like you can go over the top and down the other side too!! I plan on taking the PennEx group there next Saturday for a run. I'll post a couple of pix once wal-mart gets them back. (Man, I gotta get a digital!!)

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sounds like fun jeff, i wish i could get out there for the picnic. maybe we can have another get together out there when i'm at school in the fall. i'd love to see the truck in action bud.

bigcheck, where do you go to school?

and, yeah, jeff, if we have another meeting after i get back up to PSU too, ill definately be in for that one.

blackwoods maybe?

i go to bloomsburg. pretty close to jeff and state college. somewhere around and hour and some, the last time i drove out that way

Hey Ed, we're going out this weekend if you are interested in joining us. I'm about an hour north of Harrisburg. Send me an e-mail if you are, and I'll get you info.

Once you guys get back from summer vacation (bums!!) we can hook up for some fun. As Ed said, maybe the blackwoods.

acually JDraper im planning on going out on sunday with a couple of friends of mine to the blackwoods
if your interested we could all hook up and go as a group.
the more the merrier....

just found out that the BMJA will be at the blackwoods this weekend too

Well, here's a couple of pix of the trail. It was raining pretty good at the time, so my wife decided to stay in the truck to take the pix.;)

This one is looking up the powerline from about 1/3 of the way up.
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This one is looking down the powerline from about the same point.
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Anyone that wants to give it a whack on this Saturday, give me a yell!!
