Who's been verbally assaulted by Land Rover owners? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Who's been verbally assaulted by Land Rover owners?


Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
February 11, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Red Bluff, Ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
1975 Ford Bronco 4x4
This guy IMs be out of the blue to tell me his disagrees with making offroad modicifations to an Explorer! WTF?

GU marcel: hey
Section525: whats up?
GU marcel: nothing much, how about yourself
Section525: not much
GU marcel: so i got bored and i saw your little site about your explorer and i must ask what was it that drove you to do all that stuff to an explorer?
Section525: well.. i had the opportunity to convert it, which I wanted to do since day 1
GU marcel: convert it to AWD?
Section525: yeah
GU marcel: why not go for 4WD?
Section525: well i might do that next. awd was easy cause i just dropped my body onto an awd chassis. i might convert to true 4wd next. i already have the tcase in my garage
GU marcel: ok
GU marcel: but why do this to an explorer?
GU marcel: why not do it to an already capable stock SUV
Section525: cause capable SUVs aren't bought. theyre built
GU marcel: i dunno about that
GU marcel: lets throw out and suv, how about a discovery?
GU marcel: that is very capable stock
Section525: cept they weigh 3 tons
GU marcel: no, actually 2.5, but that is beside the point
Section525: have you ever seen one in the sand?
GU marcel: yup, i have one
Section525: and its stock?
GU marcel: it was
Section525: not anymore?
GU marcel: nope
GU marcel: look here http://www.cardomain.com/id/gumarcel
Section525: well why didnt you buy something that you wouldnt have to mod?
GU marcel: there is no perfect stock car
GU marcel: i wanted to get more articulation
GU marcel: but the discovery is the most capable SUV in its class
GU marcel: have you ever heard of the camel trophy
Section525: nope
GU marcel: oh well pretty much they took about 25 stock discoverys through central america
GU marcel: during the rainy season, it was a global event
GU marcel: it is amazing, ifyou ever get bored look that up, it is awsome
GU marcel: AWD is not very good off-road, so i wonder why an explorer
Section525: well they don't make 4wd v8s
GU marcel: ah
GU marcel: ok, but why an explorer to start out with?
Section525: cause.. they look good.. has a bullet-proof 5.0.. 8.8 axle.. its a good foundation
GU marcel: ok
GU marcel: but it is not made for off-road driving at all
Section525: thats okay
GU marcel: i see
Section525: i live in a cul-de-sac
GU marcel: i mean my friend tryed to go wheeling with me and he got stuck in the sand over and over so he just ditched it and rode with me
GU marcel: as do i
Section525: maybe your friend isnt the best driver?
GU marcel: i even tried and had trouble
GU marcel: now i am not the best driver either but
GU marcel: i mean come on
GU marcel: i just can't see a reason for it
GU marcel: was it because you wanted to have a unique truck also
Section525: what do you want me to do about it?
GU marcel: ?
Section525: ford explorers are hardly unique
GU marcel: i mean an off-road set up rig
Section525: nah. uniqueness wasnt a factor
GU marcel: ok.....
GU marcel: but then why
GU marcel: i can't seem to understand your rational
Section525: and you can't sleep at night because of it or what?
GU marcel: it has been keeping me up if you must know, i was actually about to go to bed then i saw this and i said to myself what the **** is that
Section525: where are you from?
GU marcel: indiana
Section525: what is it, 9:45 over there?
GU marcel: yoiu?
GU marcel: yea
Section525: how old are you??
GU marcel: 18
Section525: ha
GU marcel: and yourself
GU marcel: yes laugh it up
Section525: 24
GU marcel: i am 18, your point?
Section525: i was just wondering why you'd be going to bed at 945

He was obviously trying to get under my skin. I've never been attacked by another vehicle owner before. It was kinda cool! :cool:

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My god...what a moron...he is now on my buddy list and is gonna get it when his away message comes off. I may have to get the videos I take at tellico and send them to him. People like this dissapoint me, probably some stuck up rich kid. They are just so damn close minded and think that there car is gods gift to earth...just plain discouraging.

Originally posted by section525
Section525: i live in a cul-de-sac
I love that line! Just out of nowhere! It's great!!! We almost bought a Land Rover but they just aren't that fun to drive. This guy's just driving his parents' vehicle, doesn't know much about cars, and likes pissing people off. I noticed when you got more technical he would say 'i see' or 'oh'. I think I'll give him an IM if I see him on :D

look at this savage beast stuck in the mud...they may be a good SUV, but gimme a break...if you have a lift you should be able to fit more than 31s.




even with a lift..he can only flex like this..that is just sorry

Rawr. Hey section, its called ignorance. Ignore him. :D

Yea, I actually had to pull one of those out with my 4cyl Cj5....needless to say that thing is so fawkin heavy..i was just yanking and yankin till no end. It finally came out and the guy started yelling at me telling me that i put a dent in his bumper where the strap was hitting as I pulled. I said, great...keep your $50 for the tow and fix the bumper..have a nice day!!!!

What's an 18 year old doing with a Discovery anyway. Spoiled Brat.

Have you ever driven a land rover? I had a stock BII that would smoke one. I think they are the most uncomfortable and underpowered vehicle I have ever driven.

My wife works at a mall out here and one day an old man asked her if her X was a land rover, she said its an explorer. He then said they don't come in a two door model and they aren't that big. She just said that her husband who has to lift everything that he drives did the work on it to make it look like this and the old man got pissy and told her she was wrong. She just said have a nice day and walked away. moral to the story is it must just be something to do with LAND ROVERS. They must make people angry or envious.

BTW: That kid sounds like a total ass anyway.

It wasn't very good leaving his cardomain link. HEHEHE!!:shoot:

I would like to disagree with some of you folks. Not starting a flame war, just giving a different point of view:

Originally posted by section525
This guy IMs be out of the blue to tell me his disagrees with making offroad modicifations to an Explorer! WTF?


He was obviously trying to get under my skin. I've never been attacked by another vehicle owner before. It was kinda cool! :cool:

I don't think that GU marcel ever was disrespectful. You attaked him harder at some points. He just can not understand why starting with an Explorer to make a trail rig. He never tells you you are stupid doing it or you should not doing it, he just can't understand why an Ex. Many people can not understand this, and I think that this is/was a part of the fun of moddong a Ex. He is also right about awd. I mean, you do too as you already have a t-case waiting in your garage. For serious wheeling, you need to have a low box. (Do I hear Alec disagreeing with me :D )

Originally posted by GaSouthern1
My god...what a moron...he is now on my buddy list and is gonna get it when his away message comes off. I may have to get the videos I take at tellico and send them to him. People like this dissapoint me, probably some stuck up rich kid. They are just so damn close minded and think that there car is gods gift to earth...just plain discouraging.

Easy now with your judgement! Reaction like this are not more open minded than the attitude of the Disco guy. I think it's normal that everybody stands up for his own brand vehicle. He for Land Rover, you for Ford, and me now for Jeep. It's (should be) all good sports and friendly competition. Live and let live! Don't forget: We all have the same hobby.

I have to agree with you, that, as a generalisation, Disco owners in the US tend to be on the snobby side. But I still love to go wheeling with them :D

Originally posted by GaSouthern1
if you have a lift you should be able to fit more than 31s.
You can! Even at stock hight, you can run 235/85-16 (about 32" pizzacutters) with minor trimming at the lower front edge of the rear fender well. With a 2" lift, 33" are no biggie.

Originally posted by ahhjaws
What's an 18 year old doing with a Discovery anyway. Spoiled Brat.

Not necessarely. A '95 Disco goes for $5000 to $10'000, depending on miles, specs and conditions

Originally posted by hvac man
Have you ever driven a land rover? I had a stock BII that would smoke one. I think they are the most uncomfortable and underpowered vehicle I have ever driven.

Yes I have. I actually know them quite well. I agree with you that the V8is not over powered. One of the reasons that outside the US, most Discos have an excellent turbo diesel engine (91-95 the 200Tdi, 95-99 the 300Tdi, 99-today the Td5) which offer almost the same power feeling and return 25 to 30 mpg. They are very comfortable though it takes a time to get used to its ergonomics, which are entirely different than most US and Japanese vehicles. Now put two equally good drivers in an stock Explorer and a stock Disco equipped with equal tire threads. I agree that the Explorer driver will surprise the Disco driver and will not make a fool if him/herself. But, on the trails the Disco will do better, way better. The stock Disco will also do better than my Grand Cherokee. Put a locker in the Ex, lift it 2" to 3" and put 31" on it, and the Ex will do similar to a bone stock Disco with 2 open diffs and stock size tires.

In one way, Discos, Explorers and Grand Cherokees fight with the same prejudice of being nothing more than speed-bump-conqueror. If you want to learn more about the Disco, check out www.discoweb.org

As I said, I'm not attacking anybody here and I don't want to start a flame war. I was never very brand loyal - or always pretty loyal to the brand I was driving at the moment - and I just want to promote some inter-brand-understanding.

I think i shall give him an IM tonte:D And who's vehicle has constant electrical problems? Costs $35,000 Base Price. Gets 9mpg? :rolleyes:

don't give in to the "no, my explorer is better" attitude. we'll look like all the others out there who do it then!

you do have a point there. We're more refined:D

Re: Re: Who's been verbally assaulted by Land Rover owners?

Originally posted by donkey boy
Easy now with your judgement! Reaction like this are not more open minded than the attitude of the Disco guy. I think it's normal that everybody stands up for his own brand vehicle. He for Land Rover, you for Ford, and me now for Jeep. It's (should be) all good sports and friendly competition. Live and let live! Don't forget: We all have the same hobby.

He came to section lookin for trouble so right there you can tell he is an a-hole. I was not neccisarily standing up for the explorer, it is just that he made the Rover out to be an out of the box trail beast.

Originally posted by IAmTodd
you do have a point there. We're more refined:D
:rolleyes: I guess so, YouAreTodd :rolleyes:

Funny thing, that nobody ever mentions which is IMHO the biggest weakness of the Disco (and the Range and Defender btw) off-road. Most of their body is aluminum, which has a lot of advantages. But some body panels have about the rigidity of a coke can (OK, a little bit more, but not much). What gives a custom pine strip in the paint of a steel body panel can already result in a ugly ding in the aluminum. The right body armor, specially rock rails, is a must if you want to keep her somehow pretty.

Oddly, I had a tire jockey (I'm trying to be respectful but as he insulted my X, and his job is mainly alignment and rotation of tires... he deserves a small title for the length of the post) ask why I had beefed up the X with the larger tires, etc. and I said I was headed to a 4WD event soon and he said, "Well, it's still be a Ford".

I just kinda gave him a face and moved on, as they called me out to discuss an issue with my old spare and the damn wire that holds it was frayed... and wouldn't support the old tire much longer anyhow. I just let them dispose of it and I'll have better rear clearance anyhow. heh
Just kinda irked me that he'd make a comment like that to a customer... Maybe he drives a LandCow..er Rover too. ;)

aren't Camel trophies held, every year? and the only LR that I think are good offroad, are defenders, not discos or RRs They are far too low, and too damn heavy. I had the opportunity to wheel with a bunch of Discos at a night ride at Paragon, and we had to bypass a mailn trail leading into the park. the guide blamed it on me, saying my Ranger wouldn't get up the trail, it was washed out, and I told him that I was up it the week before hand, which I was. "Even then, these LR's won't make it up" and we had a chance to run Rock Swamp in the dark, most people bypassed it, but Lizard, me, 94EBexplorer, and ExplorNJ ran it along with 2 Dodge's. The rest of the pansies were very suprised Imade it though, no scratches, and with no offroad lighting to help me out:D

I can't see beating the snot out of a $40,000 truck, no matter what it is, and, wait, doesn't Ford own LR?:p

i would wheel the hell out of a Defender, there is one i see alot at Barnwell Mt. runnin 36" swampers. i dont really care for the rest...

... that guy was just an @ss. he was just trying to be a d!ck in a nice sort of way. obviously he knew nothing about 4x4's except for what he has read in magazine articles. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Muskrat
aren't Camel trophies held, every year? and the only LR that I think are good offroad, are defenders, not discos or RRs They are far too low, and too damn heavy. I had the opportunity to wheel with a bunch of Discos at a night ride at Paragon, and we had to bypass a mailn trail leading into the park. the guide blamed it on me, saying my Ranger wouldn't get up the trail, it was washed out, and I told him that I was up it the week before hand, which I was. "Even then, these LR's won't make it up" and we had a chance to run Rock Swamp in the dark, most people bypassed it, but Lizard, me, 94EBexplorer, and ExplorNJ ran it along with 2 Dodge's. The rest of the pansies were very suprised Imade it though, no scratches, and with no offroad lighting to help me out:D

I can't see beating the snot out of a $40,000 truck, no matter what it is, and, wait, doesn't Ford own LR?:p

Yep, ford does own land rover. The defenders can kick some but off road, believe it of not the range rover is a very capable off road machine, in most models the suspension will lower the truck or raise it up to 4 inches, when you see them on the road the suspension is lowered. For the 80k you spend on a RR you get one hell of a truck, but then again think of the X or ranger you could have for way less.
