why is my truck stalling in the heat? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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why is my truck stalling in the heat?


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July 30, 2009
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91 explorer 2wd manual
ok guys, so I have replaced my entire cooling system.

91 explorer stick 2wd
radiator hoses
thermostat housing unit
temp sensor (at thermostat housing unit area)

it has been over 100 degrees the past few days, but because of all my new replaced parts overheating was the last thing I thought I would have to worry about.

1) my car is still overheating, getting to about the 75% mark to redline

2) today while driving, i did not overheat but the car stalled and I couldnt start it. I waited about 10 min, started it, pulled over, let it cool down for about 20 minutes, started it again and made it home.

why did it stall? I am guessing because it just got too hot as once it cooled it seemed fine.

i forgot to mention that my coolant is full (50/50 mix) and there are no leaks anywhere.

any advice? what needs to be fixed? etc. makes no sense to me, how is it going to overheat when i replaced the entire cooling system? and why is it stalling?

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Air in the cooling system, perhaps?

how would i bleed it? a radiator flush?

after doing some googling, i am reading that it could possibly be the ignition control module? anyone familiar with this or this type of problem? this thing is my daily driver and its going to continue to be 100+ degrees so i gotta figure it out asap!

ICM is certainly one possibility, though the ICM's on these distributorless ignition systems are not near as failure prone as the TFI ICM's used in the distributored ignition systems. More common things to fail at high ambient temperature are relays (like the fuel pump relay) or the fuel pump itself.

1st thing I'd probably do would be to pull codes from the computer. Sometimes a stall/no start like that will leave clues in the computer's memory. Until it does it again, that's probably about all you can do.

What did the coolant look like when it came out? Did you have any stop leak stuff in it? If your whole cooling system is new and still over heats than maybe some of the coolant passages in the block are plugged. As far as random dying my 99 does it with out codes and seems to be a problem a number of us are have but have yet to figure out.

What did the coolant look like when it came out? Did you have any stop leak stuff in it? If your whole cooling system is new and still over heats than maybe some of the coolant passages in the block are plugged. As far as random dying my 99 does it with out codes and seems to be a problem a number of us are have but have yet to figure out.

thats what I was thinking, there are no coolant leaks and I havent used any stop leak.

its doing it more often now, it basically surges, im thinking its more electrical or the fuel pump or something now.
