Will a 5.0 emblem fit? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Will a 5.0 emblem fit?


Explorer Addict
December 13, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Long Island, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
'01 EB AWD 5.0
Will an 89-93 Mustang 5.0 emblem fit on my fenders with the fender flares? My truck had the V8 emblems removed and I'm wondering if I can squeeze an emblem in the stock location.

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I will try to find my extra emblem ive wondered the same lol

I believe you can, not 100% sure though, I know I am ditching the V8 AWD badges for some 5.0 badges that I got off a mustang in the junk yard. I wouldn't be too upset if I had to place them a little higher though.

I believe you can, not 100% sure though, I know I am ditching the V8 AWD badges for some 5.0 badges that I got off a mustang in the junk yard. I wouldn't be too upset if I had to place them a little higher though.

If I have to mount them higher I just won't mount them lol. I'm oddly OCD like that. That and I've never found high mounted emblems/badges attractive; I hate the way they look on the Gen III Expedition tailgates, and the Current gen RAM pickups.

If I have to mount them higher I just won't mount them lol. I'm oddly OCD like that. That and I've never found high mounted emblems/badges attractive; I hate the way they look on the Gen III Expedition tailgates, and the Current gen RAM pickups.

I have OCD as well, but for other things, tools especially. Emblems not so much.

I have OCD as well, but for other things, tools especially. Emblems not so much.

My stepdad is REALLY OCD about his tools to the point it gets comical sometimes.

My 5.0 emblem is from the 2012 mustang so it is larger than the 89-93 emblem. I did mount it higher. But it gives you an idea.

