Wind leak around a-pillar | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wind leak around a-pillar


Explorer Addict
October 22, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Huntington Beach, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 XLT, OHV, 4D, 4x4, 5M
I'm getting a lot of wind noise that "sounds like" it's coming from around the a-pillar (I know "sounds like" can be misleading when trying to locate sounds). Anything greater than about 50 mph. Any experience in chasing down air leaks and fixing them?

I just replaced the door bulb seals with new ones, didn't make any difference.

I thought it might be the side mirror, but wanted to confirm before buying new ones.

Could a bad windshield seal cause wind noise without letting water into the cabin?

Note that this truck used to be quiet at highway speeds so I know this isn't how it's supposed to be, and the other two 2nd gen Explorers I used to own were also quiet at highway speeds.

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This might sound silly but do you drive with your windows partially open? Could be wind noise from the seat belt strap. Mine does that a lot when window is open a couple of inches.

Thanks for the response. My compliant is when the window is closed.

You could have someone ride in the back seat and listen/look/feel for the noise. Does the noise disappear when you open window? Does it seem to come from lower part of door or upper? Do you have a roof rack? Is it on just one side? You could try using masking tape around the windshield to seal up around windshield.
Hard to diagnose a noise without experiencing it. These are just some suggestions to help pinpoint the noise.

May be worth checking.

Nice find! mine are there, but have seen better days are are definitely not airtight. I will try to repair or replace them.
