Windows: Drivers side works for everything BUT | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Windows: Drivers side works for everything BUT


New Member
November 17, 2014
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 sport trac
each individual passenger cannot open their own windows. If I roll down (or up) their window from my command console and they press their window switch it interrupts the down (or up) movement until they let go.

Maybe it has something to do with the parental lock on the control panel? I don't know, not sure if the parental lock controls the front passenger window?

Anyway, I've been lurking and meaning to post to this fine forum for a long time now. Hopefully I explained the problem correctly and someone from this fine forum can tell me what things to check...

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I should also say that this is a 2003 ST XLT...

I don't know if anything would be different on an '03, but when I first got my '01 the only window that worked fully was the driver's side front window. After testing each window motor and checking for broken wires in the driver's door wiring bundle (and not finding any broken wires) I tested each set of window wires from the master switch plug and they all worked. I bought a new master window switch off eBay for around $26 and now everything works fine. All the wiring goes through the drivers master switch.

Oh, and I've owned the truck since day 1, no previous owner...the windows stopped working correctly about 5 years ago.

thank you Koda2000, somewhere to start...

my 99 was doing the same thing, it was the parental control that made mine not work,,

i changed the switch set with another from a junk yard, issue resolved,,

Thanks for the advice, I ordered the new switch. Nice to hear someone had the same problem and fixed it...thanks!

I don't throw money at a problem w/out knowing that it will solve the problem, so I verified that the master switch was my issue.

My driver's window worked normally. The passenger front would go down from the master sw, but wouldn't go back up from the master sw and wouldn't work at all from its switch. The passenger rear would go up & down from it's switch, but only down from the master sw. I don't know what the issue was with my driver's rear window, as the PO had completely destroyed the guts of that door (presumably trying to repair it). After replacing everything in the LR door, except the window motor, installing the new master switch fixed everything.
