Windshield wiper bezel removal | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Windshield wiper bezel removal


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April 12, 2021
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Chesapeake VA
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Chesapeake VA
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2000 Explorer xls
How do you remove the black plastic covering the wiper shafts below the windshield on a 2000 Explorer?

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The cowls just pop off from friction tabs, after removing a screw if there is one. Considering the age of the plastic, try to remove it when it is warm to hot as the plastic will be the least brittle then.

There's a post around here somewhere....

Probably also some youtube videos showing the process.

Thank you. Mine are clogged with dirt. (This Explorer sat for 2 years)
Might paint them while I have them off. Trying to get it functional but still want some appearance upgrade.

Becareful! They are almost certainly very brittle. Might check to see if you can get a salvage set BEFORE you start this project.

Good luck.

When you get the panels pried up off the truck. Soak the washer nozzle hose connection with WD-40. Before trying to remove the hose.

Don't remove the spray nozzles from the cowl panels. You will break one of the tabs it sits in. When I paint them, I tape off the hose connection and cover the spray hole with thin cardboard.

I broke mine
I was changing windshield wiper regulator bushings may want to do yours while its off
$120 from ford :( for a new cowls

I broke mine
I was changing windshield wiper regulator bushings may want to do yours while its off
$120 from ford :( for a new cowls
I’m shocked they are still available.

The best paint for these, if you like black, is probably spray can vinyl dye, as it has an aggressive solvent that causes it to seep in the plastic so it becomes part of the plastic, can't realistically ever chip or peel off, but, you must let it dry thoroughly before handling the piece as it will be fragile until then.

Agree. I use a SEM product along with their adhesion promotor.
