wire harness help | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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wire harness help


March 11, 2002
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1999 exploder
so im going to put a pioneer cd player in a ford explorer and i cant find a wire harness for a 99. I put a cd player in the car once before but took it out... dont ask. lol anyway last time i got the harness from walmart. Well all i could find was 2 diffrent harneses one for premium sound and one for 80 something to 03 vehicles. on the back it says it fits 91 to 97 explorers. what is the diffrence between 97 and 98-99 explorers. the onlything i could think of is that the model explorer i have has a back seat radio adjustment panel. (last time i just left that unpluged)

it does have 2 square shaped plugs and also the rectangular shaped ones for the older radios.

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damn it i think i got the wrong thing. this has 2 plugs one for the power and one for the speakers... dosnt the 99 model have the all in one plug???

btw ive been to just about everywalmart in a 50 square mile radious and cant find the harness i need. is there anywhere else that sells them?

ok seems autozone has one but for 10 bucks....

I just got one for my '99 at walmart. The model number is FD16. I got the wrong one at first too, and then couldn't find the right one. On my way out I found it in the atuomotive clearance section. :confused: I don't know why it would be there, but it looked like the right one and said 98-00 explorer on the back, and since it was on clearance it was only about $5. :)

Good luck finding one.

99ExSport said:
I just got one for my '99 at walmart. The model number is FD16. I got the wrong one at first too, and then couldn't find the right one. On my way out I found it in the atuomotive clearance section. :confused: I don't know why it would be there, but it looked like the right one and said 98-00 explorer on the back, and since it was on clearance it was only about $5. :)

Good luck finding one.

some reasong im guessing they arnt carrying it anymore.. the walmart i went to was brand new i mean it was just opend like a few months ago. That plus i went to 3 others with no luck. I did find one at autozone for 10 dollars will swing by there tommrow and bring this old one back.
