wiring harness connection confusion | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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wiring harness connection confusion


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September 6, 2007
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I just replaced a v6 4.0 in my 89 Explorer and just can't seem to find where three connectors need to be attached on the wiring harness. It's been a while since I worked on it and must have forgotten. Hopefully someone can give me some help.

One is on the passenger side near the fuel injectors. It has a round connector and three wires; yel/red, gray/red and blk.

Another came on the new engine so it may be the wrong plug or have different color wiring, but it is probably the only pre-wired sensor that comes on a long block. It comes out of the intake area and has a square connector with a blk and org wire.

The last one is near the starter and comes from the same harness. It is a small white, flat plug with three or four connectors on it. Thanks in advance.

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get pictures

If you used a different year engine to put into your 98 explorer then you should have used all the 98 wiring from the engine you pulled out.

They made changes to the wiring in every single model year.

Pictures = I can tell you what they are most likely

oops, meant 98! Thanks for the help offer, I will get photos tonight and post tomorrow.

okay this may be a tough one

We need a little bit more information.

We know you replaced the engine in your 98 explorer
It looks like this is a 4.0L SOHC engine, not the OHV?

What YEAR donor engine did you install?

As I said before when you replace a 98 engine with another year engine you needed to keep the 98 wiring, intakes, sensors, etc. It looks to me as if you did not?

get pictures

If you used a different year engine to put into your 98 explorer then you should have used all the 98 wiring from the engine you pulled out.

They made changes to the wiring in every single model year.

Pictures = I can tell you what they are most likely

Amen! i am going though this right now putting a 93 Ranger Motor in my 91 Explorer and had to trash the entire 93 harness so i can use my 91 stuff since it so different. And i had to get rid of some other stuff to make it work.

I have put a 97 engine into a 95 this way

I have put a 95 engine into a 93 truck this way

I have seen a 2004 SOHC engine into a 93 this way

You CANNOT use the intakes, sensors and wiring from the donor engine if the years are different

The engine is a 4.0 SOHC. The long block ordered was for the same year as the truck, so I assume that's what they sent. So far, with the exception of the connectors I mentioned, everything else has fit perfectly. I'm pretty sure there is a place to plug these in, but the other end has been tucked somewhere or I've forgotten something. That's the hazard of starting a project and then stopping for too long in the middle!

Those three look familiar or similar to what is on my 99 SOHC, but they may be different by the model year changes. The wiring colors usually are very very similar by function, have you found any matching colors to old harness or components? How about some more pictures?

Well, the wire by the fuel injectors and the one by the starter are on the existing wiring harness, I just can seem to find where to plug them in on the engine. The other one at the front came with the engine, but the old engine had a plug with it also, so it goes somewhere.

I tried to find where they might go with a wiring diagram, but can't find the wire colors together anywhere, even though they should be there since they are on the existing harness.

I've got a 1991 and a 1994 Explorer, and if I recall correctly, the wires from the rear of the intake side (where the distributor would be on an older engine) are for the cam position sensor. However, the earlier ones like my 1991 do not have a cam position sensor; only the crank position sensor on the front of the motor. Does that help any? Hopefully someone more current on these can give you a better answer.

Well, it looks like I might have found where the two connectors at the top of the motor go. I believe the one coming out from under the intake is the knock sensor, but it has the wrong connector on it. I looked at a knock sensor at a parts store and it looks like it will attach to the connector by the fuel injectors.

So the quiestion is, can I connect the two wires from the knock sensor to the three wires on the wiring harness connector or do I need to pull everything apart and put in a new knock sensor that has the correct connector on it?

I'm still trying to find a home for the small white plug with three contacts near the starter also.

