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Wow! Great Site!

September 10, 2007
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 Explorer XLT 4.6
Hi, I am new to this site and wow, tons of great information here! Most of the "forums" I have encountered are really basic and most of the people that post to them have less experience with the topic than I do, (ps I am far from an expert). I worked at a Ford dealership for 5 years before I moved on with my life, so I do have somewhat of a Ford background and I am still in contact or friends with many of the techs I worked with.

I hope I can use my knowledge and my contacts to give some input to other members questions, problems or general Ford frustration;).

PS. I am a big 4.6 fan, I have owned several and worked on many. I put many many miles on these engines and have had great success. You dont see alot of EXP's with 4.6's but if a weird prob comes up I hope I can help.

Just one more bit of trivia, My first Explorer experience was with a brand new 1998 xlt 4x4 4.0 sohc that my parents bought just after I started working at the dealership. That truck nearly soured me on Exp's for good. That 4.0 was just something else, with the intake gaskets, then the timing chain cassette broke, then the auto trans went! This all happened within the 3/36 warranty! A real piece of citrus fruit! I was so frustrated I swore off Explorers until I bought this 04'.

Anyway, what I'm saying is, I am def. a 3rd gen and up, 4.6 explorer person, cuz if you cant say anything nice........

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If they had bought a 5.0 the story would be different.

I'm old school. You'll have to pry the pushrod motor from my cold dead hands.


If they had bought a 5.0 the story would be different.

I'm old school. You'll have to pry the pushrod motor from my cold dead truck.

Edited for truth:p:


Thanks for the welcome and big 10-4 on the 5.0


  • Harvey.jpg
    33.3 KB · Views: 134

I was just gonna ask you to show him the rabbit

wow, wascally wabbits! this site just gets better and better:D

Welcome to Explorer Forum!
I'm old school. You'll have to pry the pushrod motor from my cold dead hands.
Oh yea, 'Till death does us part.

The first of the SOHC 4.0's gave alot of trouble. But each year they got better and better.
