wrecked my baby!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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wrecked my baby!!!


Active Member
September 11, 2010
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City, State
fayetteville north carolina
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 xlt 4x4 & 02 2wd
ok so hears the deal a week ago i wrecked my truck by rear ending a crown vic. anyways it broke my headlight bent my fender a lil broke my stabilizer link bar and pushed my axle on the right side back about 1-1/2in.
well to the question i have been staring at this axle for days now trying to come up with a way to move the axle back out so if you have any ideas let me know. I'm pondering hooking up a tow strap to the pass side axle and a truck and pulling it back out......91 ex 4in lift on 33's.

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you have the ttb or sas?

Are you having trouble getting it apart or are you trying to bring the assembled parts back into alignment? I'm thinking it'll prove difficult to bend back whatever you've damaged by simply pulling and replacement of damaged parts is probably your best bet. I'd check your radius arms and brackets/drop brackets for damage and perhaps your axle itself to see if it's bent.

ttb and the tree and tow strap didn't work as well as i thought... i just need a quick fix for now I'm going to kuwait in may but i have to drive my truck to north carolina from georgia but i can't turn nor can i install the sway bar link uhhh what to do i don't really have the money to take it any where or i would have done that by now I'm in a tight spot.:mad::mad:

the axel looks like its a little twisted on the right side but the brackets look normal and so does the radius arm

Got any pics to show whats wrong?

Whats your plans if you can't fix it ? , I'm in Middle Ga And Would be willing to check out some pics of the damage , I know where you can get parts but you need to find out if its fixable before you start throwing parts at it

sorry Dune RCR and bruce. i cant get any photos or any thing now after i wrecked my truck i left for kuwait for a year so i really didnt have much time to do any thing. i moved my family back to north carolina. so it brings me to this question. im sure i probably wont have many answers for yours either, but my wife met our new neighbors (im still in kuwait til may 2013 so i dont know them) and he is real good friends with a man that owns a 4x4 shop. after my wife talking to them they had told her that they could fix my truck and do a complete dana 30 (with i think he said 355 gears) axle swap for 1000$-1500$. now it is something that i have wanted to do any way and i would be there to help if i decide to go with it, but every thing i have read about the dana 30 hasnt been too good. the neighbor found a dana 30 front that comes with a rear end ( not sure what it is) for 150$ just not too sure that its going to be strong enough for me or atleast thats what i gather. im not too hard core but is that price good. that being said im new to the suspension side of any thing all i have ever done is engines and basic brakes and other little things so any suggestions or any thing you might think of would be nice cause no joke i haven't got the slightest clue. even reading threads about it doesnt help cause i dont get the acronyms for it all so if you have ideas please put them in ignorant terms for me thanks. and now that im back on line i can try to answer what questions you have for me. thanks in advance

If you were to do the SAS then go with a Dana 44. The 30 is just too weak, though people have had decent luck with them, I personally wouldn't put one on my truck as I do wheel mine often. If you have a guy who will weld all the brackets and everything for a decent price I would say go for it, that is if your frame is in good condition.

i dont get out that much to really do a lot of wheeling but in my spair time i like to go playing around. do you think its a good price for the dana 30? it might actually be cheaper if i am doing a lot of the work as i plan to but he said like 1k to 1500 for the axle swap with him doing all of the work. do you know any one in the fayetteville NC area that has a good place for parts or an idea on where to start looking for the dana 44? i would much rather go big or go home im just not sure of what all needs to be bought when swaping out to a dana 44. i have been reading up on forums but its kinda like reading spanglish lol im an engine type of guy still learning the works of the front and rear suspension. this is my first 4x4 and i love it lol
