X uneven after shackles and tires | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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X uneven after shackles and tires


It's Always Something!
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Elite Explorer
August 1, 2008
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94 & 95 XLT's
I just did my War153 shackles, TT, and new tires. I was looking at it from behind, and it is uneven! The dr side is like 1"-1.5" lower! Bummed me out bad!
This X is trying my patience to the extreme! It did not lean b/4, so why now?
Would the TT have any thing to do with it?:splat:

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That's the notorious and ever present "gangsta lean". It's from the driver and gas tank being on the same side. Not sure the lift had anything to do with it, it probably just made it more noticeable. There is the chance that the drivers side spring pack is a bit weaker and thus flattens more than the passenger with the added stress of the shackles.

The TT shouldn't have anything to do with it unless you didn't do it evenly. Did you measure before and after to make sure you raised both sides the same amount?

Yes sir I did measure. I got exactly 1-3/4" from both sides. I drove her around today and measured it again. The drivers side is 1" lower than the other in front, 1-1/2" lower in back than the passengers side. I was thinking it settled, and I could raise the front dr side 1/4", then lower the front pass side 1/2" with the TT. As for the rear? New leafs, or add a leaf?

i would ajust the t-bars and swap the drivers leaf pack with the passengers. easier than pulling the pack apart for an aal, and cheaper too

i would ajust the t-bars and swap the drivers leaf pack with the passengers. easier than pulling the pack apart for an aal, and cheaper too

Would that not just be swapping my rear problem to the other side?:dunno:

No. A full tank of gas is around 150lbs, plus however much you weigh. unless your drivers side sag is really bad now, it will be fairly even when you swap the leafs.

I have more G lean than you, and I just replaced my leafs with new ones along with the Warrior shackles! I'm hoping to balance it out with some TT and get it aligned...

I tried to fix mine by switching leafs. Didn't work at all. When I put on the autozone shackles (I had bad sag!) it made it a lot less noticeable. I haven't measured the difference since but visually, it looks a lot better. Since I sagged so bad stock, I'm gonna add the add a leaf when I do the TT and 31's around christmas time. Hopefully it will be enough to level it out. My advice to you is just learn to live with the sag...

I tried to fix mine by switching leafs. Didn't work at all. When I put on the autozone shackles (I had bad sag!) it made it a lot less noticeable. I haven't measured the difference since but visually, it looks a lot better. Since I sagged so bad stock, I'm gonna add the add a leaf when I do the TT and 31's around christmas time. Hopefully it will be enough to level it out. My advice to you is just learn to live with the sag...

What? That will not suffice! I will do a swap first.

So whats wrong with mine if I have reverse "gangsta lean" as in im leaning to the passenger side. Its got me baffled, was thinking about new shocks but I dont think mine are that bad. Any ideas? I have had the TT/shackles lift on since last winter and it has been perfect. I did it in a very level garage and measured everything. It was perfect when done. In the last month or so it has begun to list to starboard as we say on the ships...:thumbdwn:

New shocks wouldn't help, as they provide no lift for the vehicle. I've never seen an Ex slant towards the passenger side. That's weird.

What the?

My EX leans also, but I believe it is because of the wonderful (and expensive) air ride system that Ford installed. My question is what the heck are: TT/shackles ?

I have read about them several times and I'm clueless as to what they do or what they look like other than they are somehow related to the suspension.


A TT is a torsion twist, which means you adjust the torsion bar adjuster bolts to preload the torsion bars. This lifts the front end. Shackles replace the factory leaf spring hangers with longer ones to lift the rear. The air ride doesn't cause the lean, the gas tank and driver do.

My EX leans also, but I believe it is because of the wonderful (and expensive) air ride system that Ford installed. My question is what the heck are: TT/shackles ?

I have read about them several times and I'm clueless as to what they do or what they look like other than they are somehow related to the suspension.




