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Y Pipe?


New Member
February 5, 2009
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El Cajon, So Cal
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Exploder XLS
Ok, I am looking for an off-road Y pipe. I have been looking for one for a while and haven't had any luck. I have an 01 XLS with a 4.0L. Any help would be nice.

Thank You,

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If that doesnt work, try Google -- you'll be amazed at what you find.

The only off road Y pipe made for our trucks is for the sport trac and that is made by random tech. If you dont have a sport trac, you will have to make your own

You need

-Pipe(I used 2.5"): Buy the below kit
1x http://www.mandrel-bends.com/catalo....html?osCsid=d8e0c30ae16fcc59e3fcce5536e5939a

-2x 2" to 2.5" adapter for where the pipes will meet the manifolds

-O2 Bungs
4x http://www.mandrel-bends.com/catalo....html?osCsid=d8e0c30ae16fcc59e3fcce5536e5939a

-Magnaflow Y Pipe adapter (optional- I did this so I could run a single in/out muffler. Otherwise get a dual in muffler)

O2 Simulator so you dont get codes thrown
2x http://www.o2simulator.com/index.ph..._id=10&zenid=9b78720df6ef3ecaebb74b871c8489b2 (this is for the secondary O2's)

Finally, get a peice of straight pipe from advance auto. Wala! Now go out there and start test fitting pipe. Mikey, if you want me to this weekend I can take detailed pics of where the bends need to be and such

I'd like to see detailed pics of the y-pipe.

I'm going to try to fit a pair of aftermarket cats in mine...somewhere.

I'd like to see detailed pics of the y-pipe.

I'm going to try to fit a pair of aftermarket cats in mine...somewhere.

I can take on Sunday when I work on the girlfriends mustang. Ill jack up the expo and take pics. When I first had the Y pipe installed, I threw in a high flow cat to kill some of the sound. Right after the magnaflow Y pipe adapter is where I put it where the 2 pipes went into one. This is the cat I used


Worked fine- but since has been replaced with pipe

can you take some pictures please?
