Yeppy new car....maybe!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Yeppy new car....maybe!!

Derrick C.

Moderator Drinkin Corona
Moderator Emeritus
September 11, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Twin Falls, Idaho---------B.F.E.
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 XLT, 92 XL
I finally found my dream car!!!! Its a 1965 Mustang 2+2 Fastback. Its perfect!! No rust and the chrome still looks good. Its got 58,000 original miles but needs engine work. I offered him $6,000 for it and he said he'll give it a week cause thats been his highest bid so far. God I hope I get it. I can already smell a 428 blown to all hell burnin up rubber in front of my house.

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My wife would kill for that. My first buggy was a '66 hardtop Mustang. Wish I had that back now!! Dunno how familiar you are with Mustangs, but check the shock towers to make sure they aren't starting to lean into the engine bay. BIG problem on 64.5-66 body style.

Hope you get it. GREAT CAR!!! ya lucky Bum!!:p

Thanks Jeff!! I checked all obvious places but didn't notice the towers leaning. My friends got a 66 hardtop. Very nice. He threw in a 302 though. Now he has major driveline problems. Keeps droppin them like crazy.

Originally posted by studdedx
Thanks Jeff!! I checked all obvious places but didn't notice the towers leaning. My friends got a 66 hardtop. Very nice. He threw in a 302 though. Now he has major driveline problems. Keeps droppin them like crazy.

My last Mustang was a 65 Hardtop with a 69 Boss 302 motor under the hood, WELL worked over. I was running 351 heads on a decked 302 4 bolt, roller cam, and dual Hollies on a Weiand tunnel Ram. I had driveline problems too. Ended up going with a Muncie 4 Speed, custom driveshaft (Broke 2 regular shafts), a 9" rear (3.73:1) with a Detroit Locker and ladder bars. We also had to put in subframe connectors and what they called a "Monte Carlo Bar" (connects the shock towers across the top of the motor) to stiffen things up. Thing went like a raped ape!!

My moms husband has a sweet 65 2+2. You won't be dissapointed, but you already knew that.

Oh yeah, first order of duty...CHANGE THE BRAKING SYSTEM!!!! Go out and get yourself a complete replacement 4 wheel disc system. The stock system doesn't even come close to providing enough whoa for the go :eek: Those old 4 wheel drum, single master cylinder systems work ok (at best) the first time you hit the brakes, but brake fade comes on real fast.
