You know you are an Explorerholic when... | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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You know you are an Explorerholic when...

...When it did happen, I went to try the old EF4x4 panic button and it is no longer...I tried the temp site also to see if anyone else was online till it came back up...It was empty...

You know you are an Explorerholic when...

You actually remember where you saved all those links, went looking for them, and discovered the outcome intstead of just waiting until the regular site came back up. :D

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...:shifty_ey...I am sooooo busted...:D

...But you knew where I was coming from to call me on it...:p:

Guilty :D

I did the same thing this morning too.

You know you're an exploraholic when: you type this response while you're talking on the phone with you're girlfriend.

...Just hang up the phone...:D

you know your an explorerholic when your son calls you on the phone and tells you he just found the sweetest deal on craigslist, then proceeds to go look at it and make a deposit on it for you.:D:thumbsup:

you know your an explorerholic when your son calls you on the phone and tells you he just found the sweetest deal on craigslist, then proceeds to go look at it and make a deposit on it for you.:D:thumbsup:

...:scratch:...This disease must be hereditary ...:D

...You know you are an Explorerholic when...

...You have lost weight and figured out your money spent on vehicles parts is more than your groceries...

...Your fuel cost for chasing said parts is 90% of your fuel cost for the month...

Yup it's a slow day today is'nt it ? :D

i am with you on the weight loss one since the same thing is happening to me also. no money for food but have cash for parts tho :D

...Come buy my parts...:D

...You know you are an Explorerholic when...

Due to the Economy, your monthly income is being helped out by your parts for sale...

Yea Phone call coming soon as i can get outta Portland OR :(

9)...You can afford the much wanted part for your vehicle and, you already know what bill you are not going to pay next month


This is so true!!

...You know you are an Explorerholic when...

you buy a parts truck to fix your truck. you fix your truck with the parts truck. then stand back and look, and think, "i think i can fix this thing". then go out and buy another parts truck to fix your parts truck.

...You know you are an Explorerholic when...

you buy a parts truck to fix your truck. you fix your truck with the parts truck. then stand back and look, and think, "i think i can fix this thing". then go out and buy another parts truck to fix your parts truck.

THe best part is when you fix your parts truck, sell it for a profit, and then buy more parts, or another parts truck.

Between my yard and Painter Ken's, I think we have a combined total of eight parts/resell Explorer/ranger/bII turnovers.

When your driveway looks like this all the time


...Me and Toto have never been to Kansas but, we have wheeled with 2 of 3, of those vehicles sitting in that drive...

...I am just glad I don't have a garage that size or a yard like DWD described...Then, :shifty_ey I would be truly an Explorerholic like you guys...:p:

...You know you are an Explorerholic when...

..Some one shows you their pictures and you point and ask, "That's a really nice RBV, do you know who owns it? I would really like to talk to them"...:D

You know your about to become one when:

You buy one fly your best friend and son to socal wheel it and drive it half way across country. AND STILL LOVE'N IT!!! :D

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When your driveway looks like this all the time


you know it , when yours is next in this lineup, ha ha , be in Kansas in a few weeks,,
